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小麦倒伏的雷达极化特征及其遥感监测  ( EI收录)   被引量:27

Radar polarimetric response features and remote sensing monitoring of wheat lodging



英文题名:Radar polarimetric response features and remote sensing monitoring of wheat lodging

作者:杨浩[1,2] 杨贵军[1] 顾晓鹤[1] 李增元[2] 陈尔学[2] 冯琦[2] 杨小冬[1]


通信作者:Yang, X.







外文期刊名:Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering





外文关键词:radar;polarization;remote sensing;wheat;lodging;disaster;polarimetric index;multi-temporal


Wheat lodging is one of the most popular agriculture disaster. It has a great influence on the yield formation of wheat and causes huge loss every year. However, available means for monitoring crop lodging in large area is very limited. The potential capability of radar remote sensing for monitoring wheat lodging was explored in this study. After the backscattering coefficient of wheat field parcels were extracted at different polarization mode, radar backscattering behavior of typical lodging wheat parcels and the one of typical normal wheat parcels was dynamically compared at different growth stages and at different polarization mode, based on 5 multi-temporal Radarsat-2 images that covered an entire wheat growth cycle from sowing to near harvest. Results showed that there were distinct differences between lodging and normal wheat parcels in all polarization channels. When compared to normal wheat, the backscattering coefficient at HH (H, horizontal polarization) polarization decreased remarkably, while the one at VV (V, vertical polarization) polarization increased and the one at HV polarization increased slightly for lodging wheat. It was also found that polarimetric feature from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data was very sensitive to wheat lodging and the sensibility was caused by unique structural characteristics of wheat vegetation and inherent polarization characteristics of SAR observation. Then a method based on radar polarimetric index, which took the full advantage of this sensibility, was put forward to monitoring wheat lodging. And the method was validated by in-situ data collected in 28 wheat parcels in Shangkuli Farmland in Inner Mongolia, China, at heading and filling stages of spring wheat. The result revealed that the polarimetric index, especially based on the ratio of dual-polarization backscattering coefficient (HH/VV and HH/HV), had excellent performance for distinguishing lodging from normal wheat parcels:all the 11 lodging wheat parcels with different severity were detected successfully from 28 parcels. In addition, the results were compared with the ones by single polarization channel data. It showed that the polarimetric index method had good anti-inference ability such as resisting influence of wheat growth difference, and can better reflect the intrinsic feature of lodging. It should be mentioned that the monitoring result may be influenced by harvest situation and vegetation water content etc. Moreover, while optical remote sensing relied on its spectral features to monitor crop lodging, radar remote sensing utilized polarimetric features to monitor crop lodging since SAR observation had advantage in reflecting the structural variation of lodging. Therefore, radar remote sensing have great potential for crop lodging monitoring, and the study presented a simple and effective method for monitoring wheat lodging in large area.



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