北亚热带马尾松年轮宽度与NDVI的关系 被引量:14
Relationship between masson pine tree-ring width and NDVI in North Subtropical Region
英文题名:Relationship between masson pine tree-ring width and NDVI in North Subtropical Region
作者:王瑞丽[1] 程瑞梅[1] 肖文发[1] 封晓辉[1] 刘泽彬[1] 王晓荣[1,2]
外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica
外文关键词:north subtropical Region; tree ring width indices; forest NDVI; masson pine
North Subtropical Area of China,located in the transition from warm temperate zone to the subtropical,is more sensitive to environmental changes.Therefore,study on the relationship between masson pine(Pinus Massoniana) tree-ring width data and NDVI in north subtropical region where masson pine growth is more sensitive to changes of climatic factors,is of much importance to reveal how the terrestrial ecosystems respond to global climate change. As the northern boundary of masson pine natural distribution,Nanzheng county of Shanxi Province and Jigongshan National Nature Reserve of Henan Province were selected.Using masson pine tree-ring width indices,monthly normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) and climatic data from 1982 to 2006,the relationships between tree-ring width indices,NDVI,and climatic data,including monthly mean temperature,precipitation and the Palmer Drought Severity Index(PDSI) were analyzed firstly.Then,the relationship between tree-ring width indices and NDVI of forest was explored.The results showed that North Subtropical vegetation index NDVI was influenced by the hydrothermal conditions,and monthly NDVI was mainly positive to monthly mean temperature,negatively related to monthly mean precipitation and PDSI.In addition,the correlation coefficient between NDVI and temperature was larger than other factors.Masson pine radial growth was positive to temperature of last growing season,while negative to precipitation and PDSI.Temperature and precipitation during the growing season of the same year promoted the pine radial growth,the influences of PDSI on Nanzheng county and Jigognshan were opposite.In northern subtropical region,the relationship between masson pine tree-ring width and forest NDVI was not significant(P〉0.05).However,NDVI of Nanzheng County in March,August and December were significantly associated with two chronologies,NDVI of Jigongshan region in September associated with the RES chronology with the biggest correlation coefficient.Through analyzing synthetically,we figure out that the tree growth of Nanzheng county was mainly affected by temperature,that of Jigongshan was influenced by the interaction of temperature and precipitation.In conclusion,we imply that long time series of ring width data does not reflect well the long-term vegetation changes in the northern subtropical region,and it is unreasonable to model and reconstruct the long-term vegetation changes and productivity using tree radial growth.Therefore,the further study is still required to reconstruct regional NDVI using tree-ring width chronologies in the North Subtropical Region.