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南亚热带7种林分凋落叶养分含量的年动态变化     被引量:9

Annual Variations of Nutrient Concentration of the Foliage Litters From Seven Stands in the Southern Subtropical Area



英文题名:Annual Variations of Nutrient Concentration of the Foliage Litters From Seven Stands in the Southern Subtropical Area

作者:卢立华[1] 蔡道雄[1] 贾宏炎[1] 何日明[1]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:southern subtropics; leaf litterfall; nutrient concentration


To study the monthly dynamics of forest leaf litterfall, the leaf litters of 7 forests in Pingxiang of Guangxi were collected and their chemical components (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) were determined during the period from May of 2006 to April of 2007. The results indicated that the monthly variations of leaf litter' s nutrient contents of N, P, K, Ca and Mg in leaf litters from seven stands had common trends. The contents of N and P in the leaf litterfall were high, while the content of K was low in the rain season (from April to September) when the temperature was high and trees grew vigorously. By contrast in the dry season (from October to next March) when the temperature was low and trees grew slowly or was in dormancy, the concentration of K was high, and the contents of N and P were low in the leaf litterfall. It suggested that N and P concentrations in the leaf litterfall were positively related to growth of tree, whereas the concentration of K in foliage litter was negatively related with the tree's growth. The content of Ca was stable all the year within a forest, however it varied significantly from one stand to another. The monthly variation of Mg in leaf litterfall fluctuated significantly. The leaf litterfall' s nutrient contents of different forests varied greatly. The highest content of N ( 14.44 g·kg^-1 ) occurred in Betula alnoides plantation and the lowest N (5.11 g·kg^-1 ) in Michelia raacelurei plantation, the highest P (1.20 g·kg^-1) in the secondary natural forest and the lowest P (0.53 g·kg^-1) in Pinus massoniana plantation. Like to P, the highest of K was in the secondary natural forest with 5.16 g·kg^-1 and the lowest in Pinus massoniana plantation with 1.71 g·kg^-1 Ca of leaf litterfall in Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation was the highest ( 11.10 g·kg^-1 ), and that in Pinus massoniana plantation was the lowest with 3.76 g·kg^-1. Mg of leaf litter fall in the secondary natural forest was 3.03 g·kg^-1 (highest), and that in Pinus massoniana plantation was 1.18 g·kg^-1 (lowest). Among the 7 experimental forests, the ratio of the highest content to the lowest content of every nutrient in the leaf litterfall was more than two.



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