可燃物处理对大兴安岭地区主要林型火行为的影响 ( EI收录)
Impacts of Fuel Treatment on Potential Fire Behavior of Main Forest Types in Daxing’anling
英文题名:Impacts of Fuel Treatment on Potential Fire Behavior of Main Forest Types in Daxing’anling
作者:宗学政[1] 田晓瑞[1]
通信作者:Tian, Xiaorui
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:fuel characteristic classification system;fuel treatment;fire behavior
摘要:【目的】模拟研究不同强度的可燃物处理对大兴安岭地区典型森林的火行为影响,为开展可燃物管理提供科学依据。【方法】在2019年火险期,分别对大兴安岭地区兴安落叶松林、白桦林、兴安落叶松白桦混交林等天然林和兴安落叶松与樟子松人工林进行可燃物调查和清理。每种林型分别设置3块样地(20 m×20 m),每块样地再分别设置4块小样地(10 m×10 m)。对每块样地进行林分结构调查,然后对4块小样地分别进行可燃物处理,包括割除枯死灌木和草本、清理枯枝和地表凋落物等。按可燃物处理程度分为未处理、低、中和高强度处理4个等级。低强度处理后林内无易燃及枯死灌草、地表无大型可燃物(>10 h),可燃物梯最小高度为3 m,中强度处理后倒木、灌木及小乔木全部清除,高强度处理后地表存留可燃物不会支持火的持续燃烧和蔓延。调查可燃物处理后的可燃物空间分布。利用可燃物特征分类系统(FCCS)分别模拟各林分在火险期内一般天气情景和干旱情景下的火行为。一般天气情景下,模型输出的指数包括地表火蔓延速度、火焰高度和火强度指标;干旱情景下,模型输出指数为潜在地表火(火强度、火焰高度和蔓延速度)及潜在树冠火行为(树冠火发生指数、蔓延指数和蔓延速度指数)。【结果】模拟结果显示,低强度可燃物处理后,兴安落叶松天然林和人工林地表火蔓延速度分别降低51.6%和42.8%,火焰高度分别降低33.6%和39.4%,平均火强度分别降低22.8%和34%;而兴安落叶松白桦天然混交林、白桦林和樟子松人工林的火行为变化不明显。中强度可燃物处理后,兴安落叶松白桦混交林、白桦林、兴安落叶松天然林、兴安落叶松人工林和樟子松人工林的地表火蔓延速度分别降低29.4%、37.1%、79.1%、83.3%和19.7%,火焰高度分别降低33.3%、29.8%、67.2%、69.7%和38.1%。高强度可燃物处理后,兴安落叶松天然林、兴安落叶松人工林、兴安落叶松白桦天然混交林、白桦林和樟子松人工林平均蔓延速度分别降低95.3%、97.6%、85.7%、88.9%和77.6%,平均火焰高度分别降低93.1%、93.9%、92.6%、87.6%和87.3%。干旱情景下,5种林型地表火行为指标随着可燃物处理强度的增大而明显降低(P<0.01),白桦林无树冠火发生,其他4种林型树冠火发生可能性及蔓延速度随可燃物处理强度的增大而明显降低(P<0.01)。【结论】在一般天气情景和干旱情景下,中强度可燃物处理后,兴安落叶松白桦混交林、白桦林、兴安落叶松天然林和樟子松人工林的地表火蔓延速度均低于1 m·min^(-1),火焰高度低于1 m,兴安落叶松人工林的地表火蔓延速度和火焰高度分别低于人工0.1 m·min^(-1)和0.1 m;各林型地表火焰高度低,蔓延速度慢,易于直接扑灭;兴安落叶松白桦混交林和樟子松人工的树冠火发生降幅超过20%,兴安落叶松天然林和人工林地表火蔓延速度减少40%以上,树冠火发生可能降低30%。而高强度可燃物处理后,会影响森林结构及其功能,因此,针对当前主要林型进行中强度的可燃物清理,清理地表未分解的枯落物和易燃灌木草本以及树冠下空间易燃可燃物,就可以有效降低地表火蔓延速度和避免树冠火发生。
【Objective】The aim of this paper is to provide scientific reference on fuel management by analyzing the effect of the fuel treatments on fire behavior of the main forest types in Daxing’anling.【Method】In this study,three 20 m×20 m plots were set in each forest type during fire season of 2019,and four 10 m×10 m sub-plots were further divided in each plot.The forest types included natural forests of Larix gmelinii(Larch natural forest),Betula platyphylla(Birch natural forest),and coniferous and broad-leaf mixed forest(Larch and birch natural mixed forest),and plantations of L.gmelinii(Larch plantation)and Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica(Mongolian Scots pine plantation).The forest structure of each plot was investigated,and then four sub-plots were treated with combustible materials,including cutting dead shrubs and herbs,clearing dead branches and surface litter.The combustible materials in sub-plot were treated with four intensities(untreated,low,mid,and high intensive treatment)respectively.After low intensity treatment,there were no inflammable and dead shrubs and grass in the forest and large combustible materials on the surface(>10 h).After medium intensity treatment,all fallen trees,shrubs and small trees were removed.After high intensity treatment,the combustible materials on the surface would not support the continuous combustion and spreading of fire.The Fuel Characteristic Classification System(FCCS)was used to simulate fire behaviors for each plot under the ordinary weather scenario and drought scenario.【Result】The simulation results showed that the surface fire spread decreased by 51.6%and 42.8%for Larch natural forest and plantation under the ordinary weather scenario after fuel treatments in low intensity,respectively.The flame length dropped by 33.6%and 39.4%,and the fire intensity decreased by 33.6%and 39.4%.However,the surface fire behavior did not change significantly after the low intensity treatment in larch and birch natural mixed forest,birch natural forest,and Mongolian Scots pine plantation.The surface fire spread rate decreased by 29.4%,37.1%,79.1%,83.3%,and 19.7%after mid intensity treatment in mixed forest,birch forest,larch natural forest,larch plantation,and Mongolian Scots pine plantation,respectively,and flame length decreased by 33.3%,29.8%,67.2%,69.7%and 38.1%.The surface fire spread rate decreased by 95.3%,97.6%,85.7%,88.9%,and 77.6%after high intensity treatment in larch natural forest,larch plantation,larch and birch natural mixed forest,birch natural forest,and Mongolian Scots pine plantation,and flame length dropped by 93.1%,93.9%,92.6%,87.6%,and 87.3%,respectively.The surface fire behavior under the drought scenario in all forest types decreased significantly with the increasing intensity of fuel treatment(P<0.01).The crown fire behavior under the drought scenario decreased significantly after fuel treatments for larch natural forest and plantation,larch and birch natural mixed forest,and Mongolian Scots pine plantation(P<0.01).【Conclusion】The surface fire spread rate is less than 1 m·min^(-1),and flame length below 1 m under ordinary weather scenario after mid-intensity treatment in mixed forest,birch forest,larch natural forest,and Mongolian Scots pine plantation.The surface fire spread rate and flame length are less than 0.1 m·min^(-1) and 0.1 m in larch plantation,respectively.Those fires can be suppressed directly.Crown fires may drop by more than 20%and fire spread rate decreases more than 40%under drought scenario after mid-intensity treatment in mixed forest,Mongolian Scots pine plantation,larch natural forest,and larch plantation.High intensity treatment might affect the forest structure and environment.We recommend the mid-intensity treatment on fuel management for the region.