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中文题名:Aboveground biomass and its spatial distribution pattern of herbaceous marsh vegetation in China

作者:Xiangjin SHEN[1] Ming JIANG[1] Xianguo LU[1] Xingtu LIU[1] Bo LIU[1] Jiaqi ZHANG[1] Xianwei WANG[1] Shouzheng TONG[1] Guangchun LEI[2] Shengzhong WANG[3] Chuan TONG[4] Hangqing FAN[5] Kun TIAN[6] Xiaolong WANG[7] Yuanman HU[8] Yonghong XIE[9] Muyuan MA[10] Shuwen ZHANG[1] Chunxiang CAO[11] Zhichen WANG[12]

第一作者:Xiangjin SHEN

机构:[1]Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun 130102,China;[2]Key Laboratory of Ecological Protection in the Yellow'River Basin of National Forestry and Grassland Administration,School of Ecology1 andConservation,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083,China;[3]School of Geographical Sciences,Northeast Normal University,Changchun 130024,China;[4]School of Geography,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007,China;[5]Guangxi Mangrove Research Center,Guangxi Academy of Sciences,Beihai 536000,China;[6]National Plateau Wetlands Research Center,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming 650224,China;[7]Key Laboratory of Watershed Geographic Sciences,Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,China;[8]Institute of Applied Ecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenyang 110016,China;[9]Key Laboratory of Agro-ecological Processes in Subtropical Region,Institute of Subtropical Agriculture,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changsha 410125,China;[10]Institute of Wetland Research,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing 100091,China;[11]State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science,Aerospace Information Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;[12]Academy of Inventory and Planning,National Forestry and Grassland Administration,Beijing 100714,China






外文期刊名:SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences


基金:supported by the National Science&Technology Fundamental Resources Investigation Program of China(Grant No.2013FY111800);the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41971065 and U19A2042);the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.ZDBS-LY7019),the Youth Innovation Promotion Association,Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.2019235)。


中文关键词:Herbaceous marsh;Wetland;Vegetation;Aboveground biomass;Spatial distribution;China


摘要:Herbaceous marsh is the most widely distributed type of marsh wetland ecosystem,and has important ecological functions such as water conservation,climate regulation,carbon storage and fixation,and sheltering rare species.The carbon sequestration function of herbaceous marsh plays a key role in slowing climate warming and maintaining regional environmental stability.Vegetation biomass is an important index reflecting the carbon sequestration capacity of wetlands.Investigating the biomass of marsh vegetation can provide a scientific basis for estimating the carbon storage and carbon sequestration capacity of marshes.Based on field survey data of aboveground biomass of herbaceous marsh vegetation and the distribution data set of marsh in China,we analyzed the aboveground biomass and its spatial distribution pattern of herbaceous marsh on a national scale for the first time.The results showed that in China the total area of herbaceous marsh was 9.7×10^(4) km^(2),the average density of aboveground biomass of herbaceous marsh vegetation was 227.5±23.0 g C m-2(95%confidence interval,the same below),and the total aboveground biomass was 22.2±2.2 Tg C(1 Tg=1012 g).The aboveground biomass density of herbaceous marsh vegetation is generally low in Northeast China and the Tibetan Plateau,and high in central North China and coastal regions in China.In different marsh distribution regions of China,the average biomass density of herbaceous marsh vegetation from small to large was as follows:temperate humid and semi-humid marsh region(182.3±49.3 g C m^(-2))



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