卫星跟踪白鹤在中国东北地区西部中途停歇地的微栖息地研究 被引量:3
Study on Micro-habitats of the Satellite-tracked Siberian Cranes in the Stopover Sites in West of Northeast China
英文题名:Study on Micro-habitats of the Satellite-tracked Siberian Cranes in the Stopover Sites in West of Northeast China
作者:徐家慧[1] 李秀明[1] 薛琳[1] 王永[2] 钱法文[1]
外文期刊名:Wetland Science
外文关键词:Siberian Crane;satellite tracking;stopover site;habitat;Northeast China
摘要:白鹤(Grus leucogeranus)是中国国家一级重点保护野生动物,也是湿地保护的旗舰物种。2016年和2017年,采用卫星跟踪技术、野外观测和地面采样方法,在春季和秋季,对成功跟踪的6只白鹤在中国东北地区西部中途停歇地的活动时间和面积、栖息地类型、食源植物种类、食源植物生物量及其营养成分进行了研究。研究结果表明,6只卫星跟踪白鹤中途停歇地主要是中国松嫩平原西部的科尔沁右翼中旗、莫莫格和图牧吉国家级自然保护区、保护区周边的淡水湖泊、草本沼泽和农田,以及西辽河平原科尔沁左翼后旗的草本沼泽;白鹤中途停歇地的栖息地类型为淡水湖泊、草本沼泽和农田,淡水湖泊和草本沼泽植物群落的物种组成共计7目9科11种,其中,淡水湖泊有植物7科9种,草本沼泽有植物8科11种,以莎草科(Cyperaceae)植物为主;在淡水湖泊和草本沼泽栖息地的植物中,扁秆藨草(Scirpus planicumis)的重要值都最大,淡水湖泊和草本沼泽中的植物群落的Simpson多样性指数分别为0.59和0.68,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数分别为5.10和6.73,Margalef丰富度指数分别为22.87和79.12,Pielou均匀度指数分别为0.67和1.90,表明草本沼泽中植物群落的物种分布更均匀、物种多样性更高;在样地内发现的白鹤的可能食源植物有三江藨草(Scirpus nipponicus)、扁秆藨草、花蔺(Botomus umbellatus)、鹅绒委陵菜(Potentilla anserina)和玉米(Zea mays),食物为食源植物的根茎或种子颗粒,对食物的理化分析发现,食物中主要有硼、锌、铁、磷、钙、钠、钾、镁等微量元素和蛋白质、脂肪、淀粉等能量物质,淡水湖泊、草本沼泽和农田3种栖息地可以为白鹤提供的能量分别为591.06 kJ/m2、1 348.51 k J/m2和51.60 kJ/m2。因此,应该加强对白鹤中途停歇地的保护,特别需要加强对保护区周边地区及其它非保护区范围内的白鹤栖息地的保护工作,建议建立季节性的保护小区,对于典型的白鹤栖息地应该通过适当调节水位以维持草本沼泽栖息地中草本植物群落的优势地位及多样性,并加强巡护,以减少人畜对白鹤栖息地的干扰。
Siberian Crane(Grus leucogeranus)is listed as China’s national first-class protected wild animal and the flagship species in the wetland conservation.In this paper,6 individuals of Grus leucogeranus were successfully tracked during the spring and autumn migrations in the west of Northeast China in 2016 and2017,and we analyzed the durations and areas of their activities,the habitat types,the plant types of potential food sources and the biomass and nutrient components of the plants depending on satellite tracking,field observation and habitat vegetation sampling at the stopover sites.The results showed that the main stopover sites distributed inside the Khorcin Right Wing Middle Banner,Tumuji National Nature Reserve and Momoge National Nature Reserve which are located in the west of Songnen Plain,and in the lakes,marshes and farm lands surrounding the reserves,as well as in the marshes of Khorcin Left Wing Rear Banner;the types of habitats used by Siberian Crane as the stopover sites included the lakes,marshes and farm lands,and the plant communities of the lakes and marshes included 11 plant species belonging to 9 families of 7 orders,of which9 species in 7 families were identified in the lakes,and 11 species in 8 families were identified in the marshes,while the species in the family of Cyperaceae are predominant in the communities;the important values of Scirpus nipponicus were respectively ranked the highest among the vegetation in the lakes and marshes,while Simpson indexes were 0.59 and 0.68,Shannon-Wiener indexes were 5.10 and 6.73,Margalef indexes were22.87 and 79.12,Pielou indexes were 0.67 and 1.90 respectively in the lakes and marshes,which indicated that herb marshes had higher heterogeneity and diversity of vegetation than those of the lakes;the plants identified to be potential food source included Scirpus nipponicus,Scirpus planicumis,Botomus umbellatus,Potentilla chinensis and corn,and according to the physical-chemical analysis on the root tubers and the corn seeds of the plants,which are the edible parts,they mainly contained micro elements such as B,Zn,Fe,P,Ca,Na,K and Mg,as well as energy materials such as protein,fat and starch,thereby estimating that the amounts of energy provided by the lakes,marshes and farm lands were 591.06 kJ/m2,1 348.51 kJ/m2 and 51.60 k J/m2 respectively.Therefore,it is required to reinforce the protection for the habitats at the stopover sites of Siberian Crane,especially for the areas surrounding the nature reserves,and those habitats did not included in any nature reserves,for which the seasonal protection area are strongly recommended to be established.The water level of the typical habitats of Siberian Crane should be adjusted appropriately to maintain the dominance and biodiversity of plant community of the habitats in the marshes,and routine patrolling should be strengthened to reduce the impact of human activities and livestock disturbance on the habitats of Siberian Crane.