南岭常绿阔叶林林冠受损对穿透雨和树干流水化学的影响 被引量:11
Effects of Canopy Damage on Hydrochemistry of Throughfall and Stemflow in Evergreen Broadleaved Forest of Nanling Mountains
英文题名:Effects of Canopy Damage on Hydrochemistry of Throughfall and Stemflow in Evergreen Broadleaved Forest of Nanling Mountains
作者:李力[1,2] 刘立强[1,2] 周光益[2] 邱治军[2] 赵厚本[2]
外文期刊名:Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
外文关键词:canopy damaged; throughfall ; stemflow; water quality ; evergreen broad-leaved forests ; chemicalleaching
Based on the experiment of forest canopy damage simulation, and the measurement and hydrochem- istry determinng of rainfall, throughfall and stemflow from 23 rain events during February to July of 2013, the effects of canopy damage on the water quality of stemflow, throughfall and on the canopy nutrients' leac- hing during growing season in evergreen broadleaved forest of Nanling Mountains were studied. The results showed that: (1)Mean pH value of rainwater was 6. 521 during the growing season in the region, and salini- ty, NO3-- , NH4+ , CI- , Na+ , Ca2+ , Mg2+ , K+ and SO24- in rainwater were 22. 000, 1. 045, 0. 684, 0. 456, 1. 256, 7. 908, 0. 113, 0. 419, 2. 329 mg/L respectively. There existed negative relation between rainfall and ions' concentration. (2)Compared with the control plot, the majority of ionic concentration of the through- fall changed evidently when forest canopy damaged. The canopy leaching weakened remarkably. The con- tents of salinity, NO3-, NH+ , CI- , Na+ , Ca2+ , Mg2+ , K+ and SO4z- in throughfall water of the damaged forest were 0. 947, 2. 587, 1. 022, 1. 388, 0. 501, 0. 925, 0. 796, 0. 528, 0. 754 times respectively as that of the undamaged forest. The order of ionic concentration of throughfall in the damaged plot arranged as K+〉 NO3- 〉Cl- 〉SO4^2- 〉Ca2+ 〉Na+ 〉Mg2+ 〉NH+ by amplification size, when those in the undamaged plot arranged as K+ 〉SO~ 〉Na+ ~〉Ca2+ 〉Mg2+ ~C1-)NH~ 〉N()~. It was showed that the increasing order of the ions except K+ all changed after forest canopy damaged. (3)The cations' concentration of the stemflow had an obvious increase trend after the canopy damaged. It suggested that the canopy damage was benefit to the nutrients trunk-washing and then to the nutrient absorption by trees. The rank of ionic concentration in crement in stemflow arranged as K+ 〉Ca2+ 〉Na+ 〉SO3^2- 〉Mg2+ 〉NH- 〉NO〉Cl-. (4)The coefficient of the canopy leaching showed that K+ and Mg2+ leached easily in both the damaged and undamaged plots, while NOa was negative leaching in the undamaged plot. This confirmed with formers'result. The continu- ous influnces of the canopy damaged on the canopy leaching needed to be further researched.