Spatial Distribution of Vegetation and Soil in Ulmus pumila-dominated Savanna in the Otindag Sandy Land
英文题名:Spatial Distribution of Vegetation and Soil in Ulmus pumila-dominated Savanna in the Otindag Sandy Land
作者:张志永[1,2] 朱媛君[2] 时忠杰[2] 杨晓晖[1]
外文期刊名:Ecology and Environmental Sciences
外文关键词:Ulmus pumila-dominated savanna;soil physical and chemical properties;spatial distribution;Otindag sandy land
摘要:榆树(Ulmus pumila)疏林是分布在浑善达克沙地上的天然植被类型,也是沙地植被演替的顶级群落,在维持区域生态稳定性方面发挥着重要作用。深入研究榆树疏林植被和土壤的空间分异特征对于深化认识榆树疏林中的植物共生机制具有重要意义。以浑善达克沙地榆树疏林为研究对象,在东部、南部、西部和北部4个区域,采用改进的Whittaker取样法开展植被调查和样品取样,分析了榆树疏林植被的空间分布特征,同时探讨了影响植被分布的环境因子。结果表明,(1)榆树的种群密度在东部区域最高(270.00 plant·hm^-2),在南部区域最低(116.67 plant·hm^-2),北部和西部区域居中(分别为198.33plant·hm^-2和141.67plant·hm^-2),这与该区域内的年均温度呈现出一致的空间分布规律。(2)榆树的种群密度分别与胸径、树高、冠幅呈现相反的空间分布规律,随着榆树个体的生长,种群密度逐渐降低,存在"自疏"现象。(3)灌木的群落密度与榆树的种群密度之间呈现出显著的负相关关系(P<0.05),表明榆树种群与灌木群落在空间上存在不同的分布区域。(4)土壤理化性质与榆树种群和灌木群落的各项指标之间未呈现出显著的相关关系(P>0.05),而与草本群落的部分指标呈现显著的相关关系(P<0.05)。土壤对草本植物空间分布的影响较大,而对本木植物(包括乔木和灌木)空间分布的影响较弱。研究结果可为浑善达克沙地榆树疏林的保护和恢复提供理论支持。
Ulmus pumila-dominated savanna is a natural vegetation type distributed in the Otindag sandy land. Ulmus pumila-dominated savanna, playing a great role in maintaining the region’s ecological stability, is the vegetation succession climax community adapting to the semi-arid climate. It is of great significance to explore its symbiosis mechanism, though deeply understanding the vegetation structure of Ulmus pumila-dominated savanna. The Ulmus pumila-dominated savanna in the Otindag sandy land was taken as the research object, the modified-Whittaker sampling plot was used to field sample survey in 4 regions including eastern area, southern area, western area, northern area. The spatial distribution characteristics of Ulmus pumila-dominated savanna were analyzed, then the environmental factors affecting the vegetation distribution were mainly discussed. The results showed that,(1) The population density of Ulmus pumila trees was the highest in the eastern region, which was 270.00 plants·hm^-2 , lowest in the south, which was 116.67 plants·hm^-2 , and centered in the northern and western regions, which was 198.33 and 141.67 plants·hm^-2 . There was an uniform spatial distribution between Ulmus pumila trees and the annual average temperature.(2) The spatial distribution of morphological indicators(DBH, height, crown breadth) was on the contrary with population density, which showed that population density was gradually reduced, along with the individual growing, existing "self-thinning" phenomenon.(3) There was a significant negative correlation between the density of Ulmus pumila population and the density of shrub community(P<0.05), indicating that Ulmus pumila trees and shrubs had different spatial distribution pattern. And(4) the spatial distribution between herbaceous community and soil physical and chemical properties had a good consistency. The soil physical and chemical properties was no significant correlation with the indexes of Ulmus pumila trees population and shrub community(P>0.05), while which was a significant correlation with some indexes of herb community(P<0.05). Soil played an important role in the spatial distribution of herbaceous plants, but had a weak influence on the spatial distribution of woody plants(including trees and shrubs). The research results can provide theoretical support for the protection and restoration of Ulmus pumila-dominated savanna in the Otindag sandy land.