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Woody species Rhus chinensis Mill. seedlings tolerance to Pb: Physiological and biochemical response  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Woody species Rhus chinensis Mill. seedlings tolerance to Pb: Physiological and biochemical response

作者:Shi, Xiang[1,2] Wang, Shufeng[1] Wang, Dongxue[1,3] Sun, Haijing[1] Chen, Yitai[1] Liu, Jianfeng[2] Jiang, Zeping[2]


通信作者:Liu, Jianfeng

机构:[1] Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry, Key Laboratory of Tree Breeding of Zhejiang Province, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Hangzhou, 311400, China; [2] Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, 100091, China; [3] Forestry College of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Huhehot, 010019, China




外文期刊名:Journal of Environmental Sciences (China)



外文关键词:Minerals - Plants (botany) - Soil pollution - Histology - Sodium chloride - Bioremediation - Bioaccumulation - Biochemistry - Physiological models

摘要:Screening potential plant species is a crucial consideration in phytoremediation technology. Our previous study demonstrated that Rhus chinensis Mill. seedlings had potentials for phytoremediation of Pb contaminated soil. However, its bioaccumulation and tolerance characteristics remain unclear. Seedling growth, LMWOAs secreted by roots, Pb subcellular distribution and chemical forms, and mineral elements in R. chinensis tissues were evaluated under different Pb concentrations (0, 25, 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg/L) in culture solution at 14 days after planting. R. chinensis did not show visual symptoms of Pb toxicity under lower Pb treatments; however, Pb significantly declined the growth of seedlings under higher Pb treatments. Higher Pb stress also decreased the concentrations of nitrogen in leaves, but increased the concentrations of P and K in roots. Pb stress also decreased Mn concentrations in leaves. A great quantity of Pb was uptake and mostly retained in R. chinensis roots. Nonetheless, R. chinensis can still concentrate 459.3 and 1102.7 mg/kg Pb in leaves and stems, respectively. Most of Pb in R. chinensis tissues was stored in the cell wall with HAc-, HCl-, and NaCl-extractable form. LMWOAs secreted by R. chinensis roots showed a strong positive correlation with Pb concentrations in all plant tissues and with P in roots. Our results suggested that Pb deposited in the cell wall and integration with phosphate or oxalate might be responsible for the tolerance of R. chinensis under Pb stress in short period. ? 2018



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