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云南干热河谷印楝和大叶相思人工纯林与混交林养分循环特征     被引量:5

Nutrient accumulation and cycling in pure and mixed plantations of Azadirachta indica and Acacia auriculiformis in a dry-hot valley,Yunnan Province,southwest China



英文题名:Nutrient accumulation and cycling in pure and mixed plantations of Azadirachta indica and Acacia auriculiformis in a dry-hot valley,Yunnan Province,southwest China

作者:高成杰[1] 李昆[1,2] 唐国勇[1,2] 张春华[1,2] 李彬[1]








外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology





外文关键词:Acacia auriculiformis; Azadirachta indica; nutrient cycling; dry-hot valley.


摘要:为了更好地指导干热河谷不同恢复模式下人工林经营过程中的养分管理以及造林模式的筛选,以元谋干热河谷10年生印楝和大叶相思为研究对象,对其纯林及混交林内N、P、K、Ca、Mg主要养分元素的积累、分配和循环进行研究.结果表明:印楝纯林、大叶相思纯林及印楝+大叶相思混交林5种营养元素的总积累量分别为333.05、725.61和533.85 kg·hm-2,印楝纯林各器官养分积累量为枝〉干〉根〉叶〉皮,大叶相思纯林与混交林均为枝〉干〉叶〉根〉皮.印楝纯林内5种养分元素的积累量为Ca〉K〉N〉Mg〉P,大叶相思纯林与混交林一致,均为Ca〉N〉K〉Mg〉P.林分养分年存留量为62.72~162.19 kg·hm-2·a-1,总归还量为48.82~88.86 kg·hm-2·a-1,年吸收量为111.54~251.05 kg·hm-2·a-1,均以大叶相思纯林最高,其次是混交林,印楝纯林最低.林分对营养元素的利用系数为0.34~0.39,循环系数为0.35~0.44,周转期为6.54~8.17 a.印楝纯林内N和P的归还量小,循环速率低;大叶相思纯林内N和P的循环速率较大,有利于林地养分的维持;混交林内养分吸收量和归还量为印楝纯林的186.2%和167.2%,N、P和K的循环速率大于印楝纯林,Ca的周转期短于大叶相思纯林的50%.印楝和大叶相思混交种植有利于林地土壤肥力的恢复和生产力的维持.
To ease the implementation of effective nutrient management for plantations with different vegetation restoration patterns and to assist in the selection of appropriate species and forestation patterns, nutrient (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) accumulation and cycling were investigated and com- pared in three plantations (10-year-old Azadirachta indica, Acacia auriculiformis and mixed A. indica - A. auriculiformis plantations) in Yuanmou Valley, a dry-hot valley of Yunnan Province, Southwestern China. The result showed that total nutrient accumulations were 333.05, 725.61 and 533.85 kg ~ hm-2 in pure plantations of A. indica and A. auriculiformis, and in A. indica - A. au- riculiformis mixed plantation, respectively. The nutrient accumulation of various organs was ranked as branches 〉 stems 〉 roots 〉 leaves 〉 bark in the A. indica plantation and branches 〉 stems 〉 leaves 〉 roots 〉 bark both in the A. auriculiformis plantation and in the mixed plantation. Changes in accumulation of various nutrients in the mixed plantation were similar to that in the A. auriculi- formis plantation ( Ca 〉 N 〉 K 〉 Mg 〉 P), which were different from the A. indica plantation ( Ca 〉 K 〉 N 〉 Mg 〉 P). Annual net nutrient accumulation, return and absorption in these plantations ranged from62.72 to 162.19 kg hm-2 a-1, 48.82 to 88.86 kg hm-2 a-1 and 111.54 to 251.05 kg hm-2 . a-1, respectively, which were all the highest in the A. auriculiformis plantation, followed by the mixed plantation, and were the lowest in the A. indica plantation. The nutrient utilization coefficient, the cycling coefficient and the recycling period were estimated to be from 0.34 to 0.39, 0.35 to 0.44, and 6.54 to 8.17 a, respectively. The lower nutrient return and cir- culation rate of N or P in the A. indica plantation showed that this plantation had a poor ability to maintain soil fertility, while the highest nutrient circulation rate of N or P was observed in the A. auriculiformis plantation that displayed the advantage in maintaining soil nutrients and stand produc- tivity. The nutrient return and nutrient absorption in the mixed plantation were 167.2% and 186.2%, of those in the A. indica plantation, and the circulation rate of N, P and K were higher than those in the A. indica plantation, while the recycling period of Ca in mixed plantation was 50% shorter than that in A. auriculiformis plantation. Soil fertility and nutrient supply were im- proved in the A. indica and A. auriculiformis mixed plantation.



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