黄河三角洲湿地典型盐生植物群落土壤酶活性研究 被引量:5
Characterization of Soil Enzyme Activities of Six Typical Halophyte Plant Communities in the Wetland of Yellow River Delta
英文题名:Characterization of Soil Enzyme Activities of Six Typical Halophyte Plant Communities in the Wetland of Yellow River Delta
作者:郭嘉[1] 陈纪香[2] 于一雷[1] 徐卫刚[1] 马牧源[1] 赵娜娜[1] 李肖夏[1] 朱耀军[1]
外文期刊名:Wetland Science & Management
外文关键词:Yellow River Delta Wetland;Halophyte;Invertase;Cellulase;Urease;Protease;Phosphatase
摘要:选择黄河三角洲湿地盐角草、盐地碱蓬、二色补血草、中亚滨藜、獐毛、星星草6种典型盐生植物群落,研究土壤蔗糖酶、纤维素酶、脲酶、蛋白酶、磷酸酶的活性特征。结果显示:土壤蔗糖酶活性和蛋白酶活性逐渐升高,9月以上各植物群落蔗糖酶活性依次分别为279.05 U/g、291.62 U/g、304.82 U/g、334.60 U/g、333.03 U/g、357.30 U/g,均显著高于6月;蛋白酶活性分别为21.20 U/g、24.01 U/g、25.40 U/g、30.09 U/g、30.89 U/g、33.12 U/g,除盐角草群落外均显著高于6月。9月獐毛和星星草群落纤维素酶活性显著高于6月。所有植物群落脲酶活性先升高后降低,8月达最高,分别为151.65 U/g、165.36 U/g、177.85 U/g、197.30 U/g、189.71 U/g、203.00 U/g,除盐角草群落外,分别显著高于6月。磷酸酶活性7月在除盐角草群落外的其他植物群落中比6月显著提高,后期则变化不大。相同生长期不同植物群落之间,几种酶活性均表现出在星星草和獐毛群落高于盐角草和碱蓬群落。本研究结果可为深入理解滨海湿地不同盐生植物群落土壤特性、盐碱地改良及群落演替等提供相关理论参考和依据。
By means of field in situ method, the communities of 6 typical halophyte plants(Salicornia europaea, Suaeda salsa, Limonium bicolor, Atriplex centralasiatica, Aeluropus sinensis, Puccinella tenuiflora) in the Yellow River Delta Wetland were studiedto characterize soil enzyme activities of invertase, cellulase, urease, protease, phosphatase. The results showed that, activities of soil invertase and protease gradually increased. In September, soil invertase activities of these plant communities were 279.05 U/g, 291.62 U/g, 304.82 U/g, 334.60 U/g, 333.03 U/g, 357.30 U/g, which were significantly higher than those in June. Protease activities in September were 21.20 U/g, 24.01 U/g, 25.40 U/g, 30.09 U/g, 30.89 U/g, 33.12 U/g and significantly higher than those in June except in Salicornia europaea communites. Cellulase activities significantly increased in September compared with that in June in Aeluropus sinensis and Puccinella tenuiflora communities. Urease activities increased first and decreased at later stage. In August, urease activities reached the highest of 151.65 U/g,165.36 U/g,177.85 U/g,197.30 U/g,189.71 U/g,203.00 U/g in all plant communities but the one of Salicornia europaea, and all of the ureases were significantly higher than those in June. Also except in Salicornia europaea community, phosphatase activities significantly increased in July and followed by a little change. Among different plant communities in same period, all of the soil enzyme activities were higher in Aeluropus littoralis and Puccinellia tenuiflora communities than in Salicornia europaea and Suaeda salsa communities. The results of this study provide a theoretical basis for further understanding of soil characteristics, saline-alkali land improvement and succession of different plant communities in the coastal wetlands.