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Nitrogen addition influences fine root growth and mycorrhizal symbiosis formation in trees with contrasting root morphology  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录)   被引量:3


英文题名:Nitrogen addition influences fine root growth and mycorrhizal symbiosis formation in trees with contrasting root morphology

作者:Ma, Xiaomin[1] Ni, Xiuling[2,3] Guo, Zhiming[2,3] Zou, Xiaojun[2,3] Chen, Jie[4] Shen, Weijun[5,8] Kuzyakov, Yakov[6,7]

第一作者:Ma, Xiaomin

通信作者:Shen, WJ[1]

机构:[1]Zhejiang A&F Univ, State Key Lab Subtrop Silviculture, Hangzhou 311300, Peoples R China;[2]Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Vegetat Restorat & Management Degraded Eco, Guangzhou 510650, Peoples R China;[3]Chinese Acad Sci, Guangdong Prov Key Lab Appl Bot, South China Bot Garden, Guangzhou 510650, Peoples R China;[4]Chinese Acad Forestry, Res Inst Trop Forestry, Guangzhou 510520, Peoples R China;[5]Guangxi Univ, Coll Forestry, Guangxi Key Lab Forest Ecol & Conservat, State Key Lab Conservat & Utilizat Agrobioresource, Nanning 530004, Guangxi, Peoples R China;[6]Univ Goettingen, Dept Agr Soil Sci, Dept Soil Sci Temperate Ecosyst, D-37077 Gottingen, Germany;[7]Russia RUDN Univ, Peoples Friendship Univ, Moscow 117198, Russia;[8]Guangxi Univ, Coll Forestry, 100 Daxue Rd, Nanning 530004, Guangxi, Peoples R China





基金:Acknowledgments This study was supported by the National Natural Science Founda-tion of China (32001170 and 31901161) , the Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangzhou (202102021182) and the RUDN Uni-versity Strategic Academic Leadership Program.


外文关键词:Nitrogen addition; Arbuscular mycorrhiza; Ectomycorrhiza; Fine roots; Tree nutrient acquisition

摘要:Nitrogen (N) addition influences fine root growth and mycorrhizal symbiosis formation, the two dominant strategies for tree nutrient acquisition. Arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) and ectomycorrhizae (ECM) are the two dominant types of mycorrhizal fungi that form symbioses with the roots of most trees. To reveal the divergent adaptive mechanisms and nutrient acquisition strategies of AM and ECM trees under N addition, we investigated the growth and nutrient acquisition of three dominant tree species in a subtropical forest with contrasting fine roots and mycorrhizal fungi symbioses. Castanopsis hystrix with thin fine roots forms associations with ECM. Michelia macclurei and Phoebe bournei with relatively thick fine roots form associations with AM. N addition facilitates the growth of AM trees more obvious than that of the EMC tree. Acid phosphatase activity was increased to overcome N addition-induced P deficiency. The increase in acid phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere of the ECM tree was greater than in AM trees. N addition decreased fine root length and mycorrhizal fungi colonization in all three tree species. The responses of fine roots and mycorrhizal fungi to N addition were species-specific: fine roots were more sensitive than mycorrhizal fungi for C. hystrix and P. bournei, while the opposite pattern (sensitivity of mycorrhiza > roots) was observed for M. macclurei. The divergent sensitivity of the two dominant nutrient acquisition strategies among tree species may facilitate ecological niche partitioning and inter-specific coexistence under limited nutrient availability.



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