辽东山区长白落叶松异龄混交林植被多样性和土壤特征研究 被引量:15
Study on vegetation diversity and soil characteristics of Larix olgensis uneven-aged mixed stand in eastern Liaoning mountain region
英文题名:Study on vegetation diversity and soil characteristics of Larix olgensis uneven-aged mixed stand in eastern Liaoning mountain region
作者:冯健[1] 王骞春[1] 陆爱君[1] 于世河[1] 郑颖[1] 王月婵[1] 陈东升[2]
外文关键词:Larix olgensis;uneven-aged mixed stand;species diversity;soil nutrient
摘要:【目的】探究长白落叶松(Larix olgensis)带状间伐后套种其他树种对林下植被和土壤肥力的影响,探索适宜的落叶松异龄混交模式,为辽东山区落叶松人工林合理经营提供理论依据。【方法】对18年生长白落叶松人工纯林进行带状间伐,然后分别补植云杉(Picea asperata)、东部白松(Pinus strobus)、白桦(Betula platyphylla)和红松(Pinus koraiensis),构建长白落叶松异龄混交林。10年后,选取典型的长白落叶松+云杉(LS)、长白落叶松+东部白松(LE)、长白落叶松+白桦(LW)、长白落叶松+红松(LK)、长白落叶松+自然更新(LN)等5种异龄混交林样地,以长白落叶松纯林为对照样地(CK),调查物种组成,并在每种样地中设置灌木和草本样方各5个,对林下植被的物种丰富度指数(R)、Simpson指数(D)、Shannon-Wiener指数(H)、物种均匀度指数J_(D)和J_(H)等进行测算,同时取样测定0~10 cm和10~20 cm土层土壤的全氮、铵态氮、全磷、有效磷、有机质含量及pH值,并对上述物种多样性指标与土壤化学性质的相关性进行分析。【结果】各类型样地共出现植物127种,分属于54科100属,其中草本植物110种,分属于44科84属;灌木树种17种,分属于10科16属;草本层物种数量多于灌木层物种数量。不同类型混交林样地间物种组成有一定差异,且物种数均高于CK,样地中草本层和灌木层物种数量分别是CK的1.16~1.68倍和2~3.5倍。草本层各物种多样性指数在不同类型林分间差异均不显著(P>0.05),但不同类型混交林分灌木层各物种多样性指数均显著或极显著高于CK。不同类型混交林地有效磷含量比CK有较大提高,在0~10 cm土层LS、LW和LK分别是CK的2.52,2.14和2.31倍(P<0.05);在10~20 cm土层LS、LW分别是CK的3.36和3.02倍(P<0.05)。相关性分析表明,草本层中,D、J_(D)与0~10 cm土层pH值,H与0~10 cm土层铵态氮含量均显著负相关;D、J_(D)、J_(H)与10~20 cm土层铵态氮含量达极显著或显著负相关;灌木层所有物种多样性指数与土壤养分的相关性均未达到显著水平(P>0.05)。【结论】综合考虑植被多样性和土壤肥力结果可知,云杉、红松、白桦等树种适合在辽东山区与落叶松构建异龄混交林。
【Objective】The effect of interplanting other tree species after strip thinning of Larix olgensis on undergrowth vegetation and soil fertility was studied and the appropriate uneven-aged mixed model of larch was investigated to provide support for rational management of larch plantation in eastern Liaoning mountain region.【Method】Larix olgensis plantation at the age of 18 years was strip thinned and repaired with Picea asperata,Pinus strobus,Betula platyphylla and Pinus koraiensis to build uneven-aged mixed stands.After 10 years,5 typical uneven-aged mixed stands of L.olgensis+P.asperata(LS),L.olgensis+P.strobus(LE),L.olgensis+B.platyphylla(LW)and L.olgensis+P.koraiensis(LK)were investigated using L.olgensis pure plantation as CK.Species composition was investigated,and 5 plots of shrub and 5 plots of herb were built in each stand.Species richness index(R),Simpson index(D),Shannon-Wiener index(H)and species evenness index J_(D) and J_(H) were calculated and total nitrogen content,ammonium nitrogen content,total phosphorus content,available phosphorus content,organic matter content and pH value in soil depths of 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm were measured.Correlation between the species diversity indexes and soil chemical property was also analyzed.【Result】There were 127 plant species in plots,belonging to 54 families,100 genera.The plant species included 110 herb species,belonging to 44 families,84 genera,and 17 shrub species,belonging to 10 families,16 genera.Herb species were more than shrub species.The species compositions of different mixed stands were different,and they were higher than that of CK.Amounts of species in herb layer and shrub layer of mixed stands were 1.16-1.68 and 2-3.5 times that of CK,respectively.Differences among species diversity indexes in herb layer of different type stands were not significant(P>0.05),while those in shrub layer of mixed stands were significantly or extremely significantly higher than that of CK.The species compositions of different mixed stands were different and higher than that of CK,especially the contents of available phosphorus in LS,LW and LK soil were significantly higher than that in CK(P<0.05).They were 2.52 times,2.14 times and 2.31 times of CK in 0-10 cm soil,and those of LS and LW were 3.36 times and 3.02 times of CK in 10-20 cm soil.Correlation analysis showed that D and J_(D) had significant negative correlation with the pH value of 0-10 cm soil and H was significantly negatively correlated with ammonium nitrogen content of 0-10 cm soil in herb layer.D,J_(D) and J_(H) had extremely significant or significant negative correlation with ammonium nitrogen content in 10-20 cm soil,while all species diversity indexes of shrub layer had no significant correlation with soil nutrients(P>0.05).【Conclusion】Considering vegetation diversity and soil fertility,P.asperata,B.platyphylla and P.koraiensis would be suitable for building uneven-aged mixed stand with larch in eastern Liaoning mountain region.