英文题名:Impact of the stand characteristics of Pinus densiflora pure forests on the infestations of Cephalcia kunyushanica in Kunyushan region
作者:孙志强[1,2] 张星耀[2,3] 林琳[2,3] 梁军[2,3] 张英军[3,4] 于善栋[3,4] 杨晓燕[3,4]
外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica
外文关键词:Cephalcia kunyushanica; Pinus densiflora population; larval density; canopy cover; tree number density
摘要:为探讨昆嵛山鳃扁叶蜂的发生与天然赤松纯林的林分特征及其自然分布的关系,依托昆嵛山森林生态定位研究站所设立的40块永久性样地,比较了群落自然演替13 a的赤松种群特征以及林内灌草多样性指数,并分析了虫口密度与赤松林分特征的关系。结果表明,13 a自然生长,赤松种群的径级分布和高度结构出现显著变化。赤松种群中占总数60%的林木径级为5 cmThe objective of this study is to investigate where the infestation of Cephalcia kunyushanica most likely occurs at different stand characteristics and geographic locations of Pinus densiflora forest communities in Kunyushan region.Using measurements from 40 permanent sample plots within P.densiflora forests in Kunyushan Forest Farm,we analyzed the variation of the larval density of Cephalcia kunyushanica with the stand characteristics of forest communities and the diversity of shrubs and grasses as quantified Shannon diversity index(H) and evenness index(JS) in those forests from 1996 to 2008.We found that 60% of trees have the diameter at breast height(DBH) between 5 cm and 25 cm in 2008,about 5 1% higher than that in 1996,and 67% of the trees have tree height between 2m and 10 m in 2008,about 57% higher than that in 1996.However the mean tree number density decreased from 13000 trees/hm^2 in 1996 to 2377 trees/hm^2 in 2008.Both H and JS of the shrubs and grasses within the forests decreased from 2.69 and 0.85 in 1996 to 2.5 and 0.79,respectively;suggesting a decline in diversity in those forest communities.It was found that the larval density of C.kunyushanica is significantly correlated with the canopy cover(R=0.93 1,P〈0.005),elevation of the forests(R=0.924、P〈0.005),tree number density(R=0.780,P〈0.05),DBH of the trees(R=0.816,P=0.025).The spatial pattern of C.kunyushanica larval distribution seems to be consistent with the "resource concentration" hypothesis.