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光质对红树莓组培苗生长及部分生理生化特性的影响     被引量:5

Effect of Light Quality on Growth and Partial Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Red Raspberry Tissue Culture Plantlets



英文题名:Effect of Light Quality on Growth and Partial Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Red Raspberry Tissue Culture Plantlets

作者:郭芳[1,2] 刘海鹏[1,2] 李保国[1,2] 张雪梅[1,2] 齐国辉[1,2] 李迎超[3]








外文期刊名:Northern Horticulture





外文关键词:light quality; red raspberry; tissue culture plantlets; growth


摘要:以红树莓‘海尔特兹’继代组培苗为试材,研究了不同光质处理下红树莓生根组培苗的形态、抗氧化酶活性以及碳氮代谢,以确立红树莓组培生根苗生长的适宜光质。结果表明:随着R/B(红蓝比)的增加,红树莓生根组培苗的株高由1.514cm逐渐增加到最大值1.638cm,在4R/B(红∶蓝=4∶1)处理下表现为最大值,但与对照W(白光)之间差异不显著,随后株高又随着R/B的增加而减小,在10R/B(红∶蓝=10∶1)处理下表现为最小值0.681cm,显著小于对照W;茎粗则随着R/B的增加由最大值0.101cm逐渐减小到最小值0.076cm,R/4B(红∶蓝=1∶4)处理下表现为最大值,与对照W之间差异显著,10R/B处理下表现为最小值,与对照W之间差异不显著;叶面积、生根率以及根长与茎粗呈现相同的变化趋势,均随着R/B的增加而减小,在R/4B处理下表现为最大值,分别为0.751cm2、0.786、1.369cm,在10R/B处理下表现为最小值,分别为0.211cm2、0.357、0.369cm;SOD及CAT活性均随着R/B的增加逐渐由R/4B处理下的最小值(1.832μg·g^(-1)FW、H_2O_25.902mg·g^(-1)FW)增加到10R/B处理下的最大值(10.953μg·g^(-1)FW、H_2O_246.978mg·g^(-1) FW);POD活性随着R/B的增加先由R/4B处理下的最小值(5.511μg·g^(-1)FW)逐渐增加到4R/B处理下的最大值(20.934μg·g^(-1)FW),随后又随着R/B的增加逐渐减小;MDA含量随着R/B的增加逐渐由R/4B处理下的最小值(7.357nmol·g^(-1)FW)逐渐增加到10R/B处理下的最大值(10.880nmol·g^(-1)FW),极显著高于对照W;碳水化合物含量随着R/B的增加由200.204mg·g^(-1)增加到最大值313.917mg·g^(-1),在R/B处理下表现为最大值,且极显著高于对照W,随后又随着R/B的增加逐渐减小到最小值154.172mg·g^(-1),显著低于对照W;游离氨基酸含量随着R/B的增加逐渐由R/4B处理下的最小值(16.903mg·g^(-1))增加到10R/B处理下的最大值(33.180mg·g^(-1));可溶性蛋白质含量随着R/B的增加逐渐由R/4B处理下的最大值(12.507mg·g^(-1))减小到10R/B处理下的最小值(2.147mg·g^(-1))。
In order to establish suitable light quality for the growth of red raspberry tissue culture plantlets, using red raspberry 'Heritage' tissue culture plantlets as experimental material, the morphology, anntioxidant enzyme activity, carbon and nitrogen metabolism were studied. The results showed that,with the increasing of R/B(ratio of red to blue), red raspberry tissue culture plantle(s height gradually increased from 1.514 em to a maximum of 1. 638 cm, it was the maximum value at 4R/B(red : blue=4 : 1) ,but the difference was not significant with W(white) ,then the height of the plant decreased with the increase of R/B, the minimum value was 0. 681cm at 10R/B(red : blue= 10:1), significantly less than the W. Stem diameter from a maximum of 0. 101 cm reduced to the minimum value of 0. 076 cm with the increase of R/B,it was the maximum value at R/4B(red:blue=1:4) ,the difference was significant with W,it was the minimum value at 10R/B. Leaf area, rooting rate and root length showed the same trend with stem diameter, all decreased with the increase of R/B,it was the maximum value at R/4B,was 0. 751 cm2 ,0. 786,1. 369 era,it was the minimum value at 10R/B, was 0. 211 cm2, 0. 357, 0. 369 cm; SOD and CAT aetivity increased gradually from the minimum value (1.832 μg· g-1 FW, H2O25.902 mg·g-1 FW) of R/4B to the maximum value (10.953 μg· g-1 FW, H202 46. 978mg· g-1FW) of 10R/B with the increase of R/B;POD activity increased gradually from the minimum value (5. 511μg· g-1 FW) of R/4B to the maximum value(20. 934μg· g-1 FW) of 4R/B,and then gradually decreased with the increase of R/B;MDA content increased gradually from the minimum value(7. 357 nmol·g-1 FW) of R/4B to the maximum value(10. 880 nmol·g-1 FW) of 10R/B with the increase of R/B. Carbohydrate content increased gradually from 200. 204 mg. g-1 to the maximum value (313. 917mg·g-1), it was the maximum value at R/B and very significantly higher than W, then gradually decreased with the increasing of R/B, the minimum value was 154. 172mg·g-1 at 10R/B, significantly lower than W. The content of free amino acid increased gradually from the minimum value(16. 903mg·g-1) of R/4B to the maximum value(33. 180mg·g-1) of 10R/B with the increase of R/B. Soluble protein content gradually decreased from the maximum value(12. 507 mg·g-1 ) of R/4B to the minimum value (2. 147 mg·g-1) of 10R/B with the increase of R/B.



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