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高寒灌木固沙区土壤性状与植被生长特征的相关分析     被引量:9

Soil Properties and Shrub Growth in an Alpine Sandy Area



英文题名:Soil Properties and Shrub Growth in an Alpine Sandy Area

作者:李少华[1] 张立恒[1,2] 王学全[1] 陈新均[1] 高琪[3]








外文期刊名:Arid Zone Research





外文关键词:alpine sand area; sand-fixing shrub; vegetation growth; soil moisture content; soil organic matter content; Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserve


摘要:以沙珠玉治沙实验林场内不同生长年限的固沙灌木沙丘-柠条(Caragana korshinskii Kom.)和丘间地-乌柳(Salix cheilophila Schneid.)为研究对象,通过标准木调查、采集土壤样品及室内实验,分析了人工恢复3、12、21、30、42 a和51 a的植被生长特征、植被区土壤理化性质及两者指标间的相关性。结果表明:(1)柠条和乌柳生长51 a后,植物的高度、冠幅、基径和新梢生物量均发生显著变化(P<0.05),与3 a生植被相比,高度、冠幅、基径分别增加了11.1、41.4、18.1倍和4.3、8.8、18.5倍;30 a生柠条和21 a生乌柳的新梢生物量达到最大,平均值分别为100.79 g和81.33 g。(2)与对照样地相比,柠条和乌柳植被区土壤深度10、30、50 cm和70 cm处平均含水率分别降低了17.6%、47.9%、60.9%、39.7%和8.2%、44.5%、47.8%、39.8%;51 a生柠条和乌柳植被区表层土壤黏粒含量分别增加了251.2%和140.2%(P<0.05),土壤毛管持水量分别增加了119.9%和35.0%(P<0.05),土壤容重分别减小21.9%和20.3%(P>0.05);3、12、21、30、42、51 a生柠条和乌柳植被区表层土壤有机质含量分别是对照样地的0.94、1.02、1.51、2.48、3.93、5.35倍和1.05、1.76、2.90、3.74、4.31、4.53倍。(3)相关分析表明,土壤黏粒含量-毛管持水量、黏粒含量-土壤有机质、黏粒含量-冠幅间的相关系数分别为0.788、0.769、0.843和0.816、0.747、0.852(P<0.01),土壤含水率-冠幅间的相关系数分别为-0.892和-0.796(P<0.01)。(4)固沙灌木的生长指标及植被区土壤性质在恢复21~30 a时达到相对最优,建议适时采取合理的抚育管理措施,以实现高寒沙区林场可持续经营发展。
In this study,the sand-fixing shrub dunes-Caragana korshinskii Kom. and inter-dune Salix cheilophila Schneid. with different growing years in Shazhuyu Sand-control Experimental Forest Farm were researched. The growth of vegetation growing for 3,12,21,30,42 and 51 years and the soil physiochemical properties as well as their correlation were analyzed after investigating the model trees,collecting the soil samples and carrying out the laboratory tests. The results are as follows:(1) The plant height,canopy width and basal diameter of C. korshinskii and S. cheilophila growing for 51 years were 11. 1,41. 4 and 18. 1 times and 4. 3,8. 8 and 18. 5 times of the plants growing only for 3 years,respectively. The averaged new shoot biomass of C. korshinskii growing for 30 years and of S. cheilophila growing for 21 years was the highest and reached 100. 79 g and 81. 33 g respectively;(2)Compared with contrast plots,the average soil moisture contents at depths of 10,30,50 cm and 70 cm under the shrubberies of C. korshinskii and S. cheilophila were reduced by 17. 6%,47. 9% and 60. 9%,and 39. 7%,and8. 2%,44. 5%,47. 8% and 39. 8%,respectively. The topsoil clay contents under the shrubberies of C. korshinskii and S. cheilophila growing for 51 years were increased by 251. 2% and 140. 2%(P 〈 0. 05),soil capillary moisture capacities were increased by 119. 9% and 35. 0%(P 〈 0. 05),and the soil bulk densities were reduced by 21. 9% and 20. 3%(P〉 0. 05),respectively. The topsoil organic matter contents under the shrubberies of C. korshinskii and S. cheilophila growing for 3,12,21,30,42 and 51 years were 0. 94,1. 02,1. 51,2. 48,3. 93 and 5. 35 times,and 1. 05,1. 76,2. 90,3. 74,4. 31 and 4. 53 times of those in the contrast plots;(3) There were the significant positive correlations among the soil clay content-capillary water capacity,soil clay content-soil organic matter content and soil clay content-plant canopy width,and their correlation coefficients were 0. 788,0. 769 and 0. 843,and 0. 816,0. 747 and 0. 852,respectively. The correlation coefficients between soil moisture content and plant canopy width were-0. 892 and-0. 796 respectively;(4) Sand-fixing shrub growth and soil physiochemical properties were relatively optimal after the vegetation was regenerated for 21-30 years,so it was suggested to take some rational measures for achieving a sustainable development of forestry in alpine sand land.



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