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基于生态足迹模型的中国未来发展情景分析     被引量:34

Analysis and Dynamic Prediction of China's Development Based on the Ecological Footprint Method



英文题名:Analysis and Dynamic Prediction of China's Development Based on the Ecological Footprint Method

作者:刘某承[1,2] 王斌[3] 李文华[1]







外文期刊名:Resources Science





外文关键词:Ecological footprint; Biocapacity; Dynamic model; Scenario analysis; China


Ecological footprint, as a kind of physical indicator to measure the extent of human' s use of nature resources, has become one of the most effective methods to quantitatively assess sustainable development, also drawing much attention since developed by Wackernagel and Rees in 1996. In the present work, the authors calculated per capita ecological footprint and biocapacity in China during the period 1949 to 2008. Then, fluctuant cycles of the per capita ecological footprint and biocapacity were decomposed and derived based on the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) method and nonlinear dynamic prediction models were also presented. We proposed two prediction scenarios, named the business-as-usual scenario and the steady adjustment scenario, to project ecological potential of China' s economic development for the next 20 years. Results showed that over past 60 years, the per capita ecological footprint increased unsteadily. Meanwhile, the per capita biocapacity reduced consistently. Since 1985 China has showed an aggregated ecological deficit. It was found that the business-as-usual scenario tended to illuminate the consequence that per capita ecological footprint, per capita biocapacity and per capita ecological deficit would become 4.6033hm^2, ,0.7008hm^2 and 3.9024hm^2, respectively, in China in 2030 if mean annual change rates of per capita ecological footprint and biocapacity remained constant, which would lead China to a grim and complex situation. It was also found that if productivity of natural ecosystems increased by 10%, the consumption of natural ecosystems and emission of CO2 and contamination reduced by 10%, per capita ecological footprint, per capita biocapacity and per capita ecological deficit would become 2.4391hm^2, 0.9174hm^2 and 1.5217hm^2, respectively, in China in 2030, better benefiting potential of sustainable development in China than did the business-as-usual scenario. It should be pointed out that China' s current situation is in a dilemma. On the one hand, China is still a developing country with a portion of population still living under the poverty line. Therefore, striving for developing domestic economy should have to be the only way to raise the level of living standard of people. On the other hand, the rapid growth of economy will increase population as well as result in more pressure on the ecological system, significantly aggravating the ecological overloading. As such, in order to really achieve the ' steady adjustment' scenario proposed in this work, some suggestions benefiting sustainable development were also given as follows: increasing land productivity for meeting growing demands, reducing over-consumption of resources with the objective of effectively mitigating ecological backpack, promoting resource-saving consumption and paying much attention to international trades.



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