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降雨对华北石质山地侧柏林土壤温湿度及水分运移的影响     被引量:6

Effects of Rainfall on Soil Temperature,Moisture and Water Movement of Platycladus orientalis on Rocky Hills of North China



英文题名:Effects of Rainfall on Soil Temperature,Moisture and Water Movement of Platycladus orientalis on Rocky Hills of North China

作者:田超[1,2] 孟平[1,2] 张劲松[1,2] 孙守家[1,2] 黄辉[1,2] 贾长荣[3] 李建中[3]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:seasonal rainfall ; soil temperature ; soil moisture ; hydrogen stable isotope ; soil water movement


By using stable isotope techniques, the Platycladus orientalis grown on the rocky hilly area of North Chi- na were chosen to investigate air temperature, soil temperature, moisture and 8D value in order to discuss the effect of seasonal rainfall on soil temperature, moisture and water movement. The results indicated that: the soil tempera- ture following rainfal decreased first and then increased in the rainy season, and decreased with the increases of depths, whereas in the early dry season the temperature continued to decrease but increased with the depth. No matter in the rain or dry season, the soil moisture increased at first and then decreased after the rain, but dropped with the depth of soil. In rain season, when the early soil moisture was low, the low intensity rainfall could further increase the moisture of surface and deep soil and made the water 8D value deplete, which showed rainfall could re- charge the surface and middle soil. However, in prior plentiful rainfall period, low intensity rainfall could further increased the deep soil moisture, and all the soil water 8D value were depleted, which indicated that rainfall could rapidly infiltrate into the deep soil. High intensity rainfall increased all the soil moisture and the increments had small differences, meanwhile all the water BD value were depleted, which showed that rainfall could quickly infil- trate into all the soil. In the early dry season, low intensity rainfall may further increase the surface soil moisture. Even if the prior soil moisture were low, the soil water 8D value were all depleted, which pointed that rainfall could rapidly infiltrate into the deep soil and further recharged groundwater. Directly affected by rainfall 8D value, the lit- ter water 8D value were depleted at first and then enriched. The 8D value of spring and groundwater were not affect- ed by short-term rainfall, so they could supply water for plant in the dry season.



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