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榛属植物花粉形态扫描电镜观察     被引量:16

SEM observation on the pollen morphology in Corylus



英文题名:SEM observation on the pollen morphology in Corylus

作者:李京璟[1,2] 张日清[2] 马庆华[1] 王贵禧[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Chinese Electron Microscopy Society





外文关键词:Corylus; pollen morphology characteristics; SEM; classification


Objective The objective of this study was to provide palynology evidence for the phyletic classification of the genus Corylus and reveal the relationship between the morphological characteristics of pollen and phyletic classification of Corylus. Method : 14 Corylus samples from different species and cultivars were used in the experiment. The plant materials are cultured and the pollens are collected with standard methods. All samples were fixed by FAA stationary liquid and desiccated by C〇 2 ridge boundary drying. The indices such as the shape and size of the pollen, aperture spacing, extine ornamentation, thorn size and density were measured using scanning electron microscopy. The cluster analysis was performed based on the observational data. Results : The pollen of Corylus was characteristic of single grain pollen with three apertures distributed in equatorial plane, and defined to be explained by N3P4C4 model. The pollen was oblate spheroidal in shape, the polar view was triangle and the equatorial view was elliptic. The extine ornamentation of pollen was rugulate and echinate. Different samples were differed in pollen size, extine ornamentation, thorn size and density. Based on the pollen morphology characteristics, the cluster analysis indicated that 14 pollen samples were classified into three groups. The first group included C. chinensis Franch. , C. fargesii Schneid. , C. kweichowensis Hu, Ping5 ou hybrid hazelnut ‘ Dawei5 , ‘ Liaozhen No. 3 5 , European hazelnut ‘ Casina ’ and ‘ Ennis 5 , which showed middle-sized pollen and inconspicuous rugulate. The second group included the three varieties of C. heterophylla Fisch. ( ‘ JMS ’,‘ HLP ’,‘ WC ’ )and C. mandshurica Maxim. , which showed inconspicuous rugulate and small dense echinate. The third group included C. ferox Wall. Var. thibetica ( Batal. ) Franch. , European hazelnut ‘ Maria ‘ and Ping, ou hybrid hazelnut ‘ Liao zhen No. 7 ’ , which showed conspicuous rugulate and sparse echinate. Conclusion:There were great differences in palynology indices in the genus Corylus, such as the pollen size, exine ornamentation, size and density of thorn, which could be used in the classification and identification in Corylus. The sampling and experimental method in this study could be used as reference in the related researches.



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