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柳杉锯材过热蒸汽干燥与常规干燥的比较  ( EI收录)   被引量:3

Comparation between Superheated Steam Drying and Conventional Drying of Chinese Cedar Lumber



英文题名:Comparation between Superheated Steam Drying and Conventional Drying of Chinese Cedar Lumber

作者:鲍咏泽[1] 周永东[1]


通信作者:Zhou, Yongdong







外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:superheated steam drying; conventional drying; chinese Cedar lumber;


摘要:【目的】比较柳杉锯材过热蒸汽干燥与常规干燥后锯材的干燥质量、微观构造和力学性能,探讨过热蒸汽干燥柳杉锯材的适用性,为柳杉木材的高附加值利用、降低加工过程能耗、提高生产效率提供依据。【方法】分别进行过热蒸汽干燥和常规干燥试验,依国家标准对干燥质量和力学性能进行检测,并通过扫描电镜观察分析不同干燥条件下木材微观构造的变化。【结果】50 mm厚柳杉锯材过热蒸汽干燥的干燥周期为110 h,平均干燥速率为1.18%·h-1;而常规干燥的干燥周期为193 h,平均干燥速率为0.64%·h-1。从含水率和应力方面分析,过热蒸汽干燥锯材在终含水率、厚度上含水率偏差以及残余干燥应力指标上的干燥质量等级为一级,常规干燥锯材在厚度上含水率偏差和残余干燥应力指标上的干燥质量等级为一级,终含水率指标的质量等级为二级,2种干燥方法锯材在含水率分布和残余干燥应力方面无显著差别;从外观干燥缺陷质量方面分析,过热蒸汽干燥锯材在顺弯、横弯和扭曲指标上的干燥质量等级为一级,翘弯指标的质量等级为二级,常规干燥锯材的可见干燥缺陷质量指标等级均达到一级。力学性能方面,过热蒸汽干燥锯材的抗弯弹性模量均值为5 508.37 MPa,略高于常规干燥锯材均值(5 237.52 MPa);过热蒸汽干燥锯材的抗弯强度均值为32.35 MPa,略低于常规干燥锯材均值(34.13 MPa)。对干燥锯材微观构造进行观察发现,过热蒸汽干燥后木材的纹孔膜破裂及脱落的数量和程度大于常规干燥,因此可增加水分的迁移途径,提高木材的渗透性,从而使干燥速率显著提高。【结论】干燥方法对锯材干燥速率具有极其显著的影响,过热蒸汽干燥比常规干燥的干燥周期缩短43%,干燥速率提高84%;干燥质量和力学性质方面,除终含水率和翘弯翘曲度外,2种干燥方法的干燥质量无显著差别;过热蒸汽干燥锯材的孔隙度大于常规干燥是造成过热蒸汽干燥速率显著提升的原因之一。总体分析,过热蒸汽干燥柳杉锯材质量可满足木制品对于干燥质量的要求。
【Objective】In order to provide basis for the high value-added utilization,reducing energy consumption and improving production efficiency of Chinese cedar,superheated steam drying and conventional drying of Chinese cedar(Cryptomeria fortunei) lumber were investigated in this study.Drying quality,microstructure and mechanical properties were compared between two kinds of drying wood.The applicability of superheated steam drying on Chinese cedar lumber was also discussed.【Method 】The drying quality and mechanical properties of dried lumber were analyzed by national standards.Furthermore,microstructure of Chinese cedar wood under two kinds of drying methods were observed by scanning electron microscope.【Result】As for 50 mm thickness lumber,the drying time and drying rate was 110 h and1.18%·h^-1 in superheated steam drying,and 193 h and 0.64%·h^-1 in conventional drying,respectively.Final moisture content(MC),MC deviation in thickness and residual drying stress of lumber with superheated steam drying met the requirements of the 1st grade of national standard for lumber drying quality.The corresponding quality index obtained by conventional drying met the 1^st grade,but the final MC was in 2^nd grade.There was no significant difference in MCdistribution and residual drying stress between the two drying methods.As for drying defect,the crook,cup and twist of lumber after superheated steam drying met the requirements of the 1stgrade,however,warp index only met the requirements of the 2^nd grade.All defects' index of conventional drying lumber met the requirements of the 1st grade.As for mechanical properties,the average MOE value of superheated steam drying and conventional drying lumber was 5 508.37 MPa and 5 237.52 MPa,respectively.However,the average MOR value of superheated steam drying and conventional drying lumber was 32.35 MPa and 34.13 MPa,respectively.The observation of cell wall showed that the extent and number of splits in pits membrane after superheated steam drying was greater than that after conventional drying.Thus,the moisture was easier to transfer and the permeability of wood was improved,and led to the increased drying rate.【Conclusion】Drying rate of Chinese cedar lumber was extremely affected by drying methods.Compared with the conventional drying,the drying time was shortened by 43% and drying rate was improved by 84% in superheated steam drying.There was no significant difference in drying quality and mechanical properties between the two drying methods,except for the final MC and warp.Porosity in wood after superheated steam drying was greater than that of conventional drying,and this is one of the reasons for improving the wood drying rate.All of these results indicated that the application of superheated steam drying for Chinese cedar lumber would be reasonable,and the drying quality could meet the requirements of wood products.



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