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Type Specimen Status of Nitrogen-fixing Woody Fabales in China



英文题名:Type Specimen Status of Nitrogen-fixing Woody Fabales in China

作者:秦爱丽[1] 马凡强[1] 纪敬[1] 史胜青[2] 江泽平[1] 史作民[1]








外文期刊名:Terrestrial Ecosystem and Conservation




外文关键词:Fabales;nitrogen-fixing species;type specimens;database;herbarium


摘要:【目的】模式标本是确定植物学名的依据,对稳定植物学名至关重要。研究旨在调查摸清中国豆目固氮类木本植物模式标本的馆藏现状,为构建中国豆目固氮类木本植物模式标本数据库提供基础资料,同时也为初研究该类群的学者提供参考。【方法】根据APG IV中对豆目的分科(豆科、远志科、海人树科和皂皮树科),主要以Flora of China(FOC)记录的物种为参照,建立中国豆目固氮类木本植物名录。通过JSTOR(https://plants.jstor.org/)和Tropicals(http://tropicos.org/NameSearch.aspx)等数据库检索、文献查询和考证等获得中国豆目固氮类木本植物的模式标本信息,并对获得的信息进行整理和归纳,提取馆藏地、产地和采集年限等关键信息并进行统计分析和作图,得到中国豆目固氮类木本植物模式标本馆藏现状并建立中国豆目固氮类木本植物模式标本数据库。【结果】625个中国豆目固氮类木本植物物种,隶属于豆目的2科(豆科和远志科)122属。共检索到3030份模式标本,保存于全球97家标本馆中,馆藏数量和物种数最多的标本馆是法国国家自然历史博物馆(P),有663份,隶属于65属203种。国内11家标本馆有馆藏,国内馆藏数量最多的标本馆是中国科学院植物研究所植物标本馆(PE),为130份,隶属于21属61种。检索到的模式标本类型有7种,其中主模式标本有336份(231种,FOC接受名),副模式标本有169份;中国豆目固氮类木本植物模式标本采集的起始时间是18世纪,19、20世纪集中采集,21世纪仅采集了少量。采集产地覆盖了全球88个国家,采集数量和物种数最多的是中国,有1332份,隶属于61属365种,占标本总量和物种总数的44%和58%;中国豆目固氮类木本植物模式标本数量超过5份的物种有207个,模式标本数量分别为4、3、2和1的物种数量分别为65、70、119和164;625种豆目固氮类木本植物物种命名人多来自欧洲,尤其是英国和法国。发表新种数量排名第一的刊物是《植物分类学报》(Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica,现更名为Journal of Systematics and Evolution)。【结论】中国豆目固氮类木本植物模式标本馆藏于全球97家标本馆,法国国家自然历史博物馆保存的数量和物种数最多,国内仅11家标本馆有馆藏,馆藏量较低,应推动加快国内中小型植物标本馆模式标本数字化的进程。中国豆目固氮类木本植物模式标本的类型有7种,主模式标本数量较少,640份模式标本的类型未进行细分。该类群采集时间相对久远,且异名和组合名等分类学问题突出,仍需深入研究。
【Objective】Type specimens play vital important role in determining the scientific name of plant species,which are of great significance to stabilize the scientific names.This study is to investigate the type specimen status of nitrogen-fixing woody Fabales in China,and therefore,to provide basic information for the construction of type specimen database of nitrogen-fixing woody Fabales in China,hopefully new scholars in this area can benefit from our study.【Method】According to the classification of Fabales(Fabaceae,Polygalaceae,Surianaceae and Quillajaceae)in APG IV,a list of nitrogen-fixing woody Fabales in China was initially established with reference to the species recorded in Flora of China.The type specimen information was obtained through searching databases such as JSTOR(https://plants.jstor.org/),tropicals(http://tropicos.org/NameSearch.aspx)and etc.Then key information such as herbarium code,collection time,collection place and etc was extracted,analyzed and summarized to obtain the current status and establish the type specimen database.【Result】A list of 625 species belonging to 2 families of Fabales(Fabaceae and Polygalaceae)and 122 genera was established.A total of 3030 type specimens which were stored in 97 herbaria around the world were retrieved.The Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle(P)stored the largest collection,with 663 specimens belonging to 203 species and 65 genera.There were 11 herbaria stored the type specimens in China,of which the herbarium from Institute of Bot-any,Chinese Academy of Sciences(PE)possessed the largest amount(130 type specimens,61 species and 21 genera).Seven cat-egories of 3030 type specimens were retrieved including 336 holotype specimens and 169 paratype specimens.The type specimens were initially collected in the 18th century,a lot in the 19th and 20th centuries and a few in the 21st century.Although the collection place covered 88 countries in the world,China leaded the amount collections,with 1332 type specimens,belonging to 365 species and 61 genera,accounting for 44%and 58%of the total type specimens and species.There were 207 species with more than 5 type specimens,65 species with 4 type specimens,70 species with 3 type specimens,119 species with 2 type specimens and 164 species with only one type specimen.Most of the species were named by European scholars,especially British and French.The journal Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica(now named Journal of Systematics and Evolution)had published the most of new species in recent decades.【Conclusion】There were 97 herbaria(China,11)in the world to preserve type specimens of nitrogen-fixing woody Fabales in China,of which the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle preserved the largest collection.The herbaria of China held only a small number of type specimens.We should speed up the digitization of type specimens in small and medium-sized herbaria in China.A total of 7 categories of type specimens were retrieved,of which the number of holotype specimens was small.In addition,640 type specimens were not subdivided.The collection time of these type specimens were relatively early,and the taxonomic problems such as synonyms and combinatorial names remain unresolved.Therefore,further study is still needed.



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