国产杉木不同层板厚度对正交胶合木力学性能的影响 ( EI收录)
Effect of Different Laminate Thickness on Mechanical Properties of Cross-Laminated Timber Made from Chinese Fir
英文题名:Effect of Different Laminate Thickness on Mechanical Properties of Cross-Laminated Timber Made from Chinese Fir
作者:王菲彬[1] 王昕萌[2] 杨树明[3] 姜桂超[2] 阙泽利[2] 周海宾[4]
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:Chinese fir;cross-laminated timber(CLT);laminate thickness;mechanical properties
【Objective】This research was implemented to study the influences of different laminate thicknesses of Chinese fir(Cunninghamia lanceolata)on the mechanical properties of cross-laminated timber(CLT),and to expand the application range of Chinese fir in the field of wood structure construction and further promote the development of CLT in China.【Method】Under the premise that the overall thickness of the domestic Chinese fir CLT remains unchanged,the effects of different layer thicknesses on the CLT bending and shearing properties were studied.Combined with the bending test results,the existing CLT statics analysis theory was used to perform the above tests on the CLT specimens.The bending performances under different conditions were also calculated and compared.【Result】Under the premise of an unchanging total thickness,bending stiffness of the three-layer CLT specimens was the highest,and the five-layer and seven-layer specimens were reduced by 11%and 18%,respectively.The bending strength of the five-layer CLT specimens was increased by 18%compared with the three-layer specimens,which was 36%higher than that of the seven-layer specimens.The shear strength of the five-layer specimens and the seven-layer specimens was increased by 2.6%and 16%,respectively,over the three-layer specimens.The trend of the theoretical analysis of the bending stiffness was the same as the test results,however,the theoretical analysis of the bending strength showed that the higher the number of layers,the higher the value,the test results showed that the five layers were better than the seven layers.When the five-layer specimens was taken as an example,under the premise of overall thickness unchanged,increasing odd and even layer thickness ratio could effectively improve the bending and shear properties of CLT specimens in a certain percentage range.Theoretical analysis had the same trend as the experimental results.【Conclusion】The results showed that under the premise of overall thickness unchanged,the thicker the CLT laminated,the better the bending stiffness was,the worse the shear properties presented,and the single failure mode was.The 5-layer CLT specimen had the best bending strength;within a certain ratio range,increasing the ratio of odd and even layer thickness could effectively improve the bending and shear resistance of the CLT specimen.