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不同种源8年生厚朴林分的生长变异及综合评价     被引量:4

Growth variation and comprehensive evaluation of 8-year-old forest of Houpo?a officinalis from 20 provenances



英文题名:Growth variation and comprehensive evaluation of 8-year-old forest of Houpo?a officinalis from 20 provenances

作者:杨旭[1] 杨志玲[1] 谭美[1] 程小燕[1] 曾平生[2] 谭梓峰[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology





外文关键词:Houpoea officinalis;superior provenances;growth traits;genetic parameter;early selection


摘要:厚朴为我国传统木本药材,用药面广、药材需求量大,人工林培育获得了广泛重视,但其药材质量优劣不等,优质资源筛选工作势在必行。厚朴生长性状及遗传力优劣决定药材产量及遗传稳定性高低。对20个厚朴种源8年生林分生长性状分析及遗传参数估算,结果表明树高、胸径、树皮厚度均值为6.34 m、6.9 cm、1.97 mm,树高、胸径和树皮厚度方差均达极显著差异;树高、胸径和树皮厚度的遗传力分别为0.813 0、0.811 4和0.890 1。经综合评价,筛选出4号、12号、11号和17号等4个最优种源,4个入选优良种源树高、胸径和树皮厚度比群体分别提升16.32%、15.87%和10.78%,树高、胸径和树皮厚度的遗传增益比群体依次提升13.27%、12.88%和9.60%,胸径、树高和树皮厚度的遗传进度比群体则提升16.47%、12.81%和8.91%,胸径和树高为早期选择可靠的生长性状指标。建议厚朴育种先从地理种源筛选着手,结合对种源内的单株筛选,可望获得优良的无性系,为厚朴产业发展奠定物质基础。
Houpo?a officinalis is a traditional woody medicinal material in China. As a medicine material, it has a wide range use and in great demand. The cultivation of artificial forests has received extensive attention, but its quality as medicinal material is very different,therefore, it is imperative to select high quality resource.The growth traits and heritability of Houpoea officinalis determine the yield and genetic stability. The analysis of growth characters and the estimation of genetic parameters in 8-year-old trail forest of Houpoea officinalis from 20 provenances showed that the average height, DBH and bark thickness were 6.34 m, 6.9 cm and 1.97 mm, and the tree height, DBH and bark thickness were significantly different. The heritability of DBH and bark thickness were 0.813 0, 0.811 4 and 0.890 1, respectively. Through comprehensive evaluation,4 excellent provenances,such as NO.4, NO.12, NO.11 and NO.17, were selected. Their DBH and bark thickness of 4 superior provenances were increased by 16.32%,15.87% and 10.78% higher than those of the population, respectively. The genetic gain of the height, DBH and bark thickness were 13.27%, 12.88% and 9.60% higher than those of population separately, and the genetic progress of DBH, height and bark thickness were 16.47%, 12.81% and 8.91% higher than those of population respectively. The growth traits of DBH and tree height were reliable indicators used as early selection. It is suggested that the breeding program of Houpoea officinalis should begin with the selection of geographical provenances and combine with the selection of individual plants within provenances, which could lead to the obtaining of excellent clones and lay a solid foundation for the industrial development of Houpoea officinalis.



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