Niche of dominant species in shrub layer of Pinus massoniana secondary forest at the initial stage of forest gap
英文题名:Niche of dominant species in shrub layer of Pinus massoniana secondary forest at the initial stage of forest gap
作者:陈仕友[1] 姜春前[1] 白彦锋[1] 王辉[1] 何云核[2]
外文期刊名:Journal of Beijing Forestry University
外文关键词:niche;forest gap;Pinus massoniana;secondary forest;niche overlap
摘要:【目的】以湖南省慈利县天心阁32年马尾松次生林为研究对象,分析比较3种不同林窗面积下植物幼苗生态位特征,以期探究林窗促进更新技术。【方法】采取生态群落调查方法对湖南省慈利县天心阁马尾松次生林林窗植被更新特征进行实地调查,运用物种重要值、Levins生态位重叠指数、Shannon-Wiener生态位宽度指数和Levins生态位宽度指数,以更新幼苗的高度为一维资源位状态,对马尾松次生林灌木层优势物种在不同林窗面积下生态位特征进行分析。【结果】(1)林窗更新初期,林窗内灌木层植物种类和数量较林内均得到增加,灌木层优势树种重要值排序呈现显著差异,盐肤木、檵木、铁仔等阳性树种在林窗内排序位置较为靠前。(2)植物在林窗更新初期,其生态位宽度值在不同大小林窗内呈现差异化特征;盐肤木、檵木、小构树、铁仔、山莓的生态位宽度值都表现出中林窗>大林窗>小林窗=林内,其他植物生态宽度值在林窗和非林窗内变化不明显。(3)大林窗(445~480 m^(2))、中林窗(150~180 m^(2))、小林窗(68~85 m^(2))和非林窗(林内)生态位重叠值大于0.1的物种数所占比例分别为85.71%、92.98%、44.64%和12.5%。【结论】林窗面积对植物更新有一定的影响,且不同林窗面积下植物幼苗生态位特征存在差异。中林窗(150~180 m^(2))内马尾松次生林更新幼苗生态位重叠大,各物种对均能相对均衡、有效利用环境资源,更新情况较好且稳定,对马尾松次生林更新有较好的促进作用,有利于马尾松次生林生物多样性的保育和森林碳储量的提升。
[Objective]In the low-quality and low-efficiency Pinus massoniana secondary forest in Cili County,Hunan Province of central China,the niche characteristics of seedlings under different-sized forest gaps during the early stage of gap phase were analyzed and compared to grasp the niche law of forest gap regeneration,and explore the technology of artificial promotion of natural regeneration.[Method]The ecological community survey method was used to investigate the characteristics of forest gap.Niche characteristics of dominant shrub layer species in Pinus massoniana secondary forest during gap vegetation regeneration were analyzed.[Result](1)At the initial stage of gap regeneration,the species and number of plants in the shrub layer in the gap were increased compared with those in the forest.The ranking of important values of dominant tree species in the shrub layer was significantly different.Positive tree species such as Rhus chinensis,Loropetalum chinense,Myrsine africana were ranked higher in the gap.(2)During the early stage,the niche breadth values of the plants in different-sized gaps appeared differentiation.The ecological width of Rhus chinensis,Broussonetia kaempferi,Rubus corchorifolius etc.all showed such a pattern(medium gap>large gap>small gap=the understory).Other plants were not sensitive to the forest gap.(3)The species with niche overlap values(>0.1)accounted for 85.71%,92.98%,44.64 and 12.5% of the species in the large forest gaps(445-480 m^(2)),medium forest gaps(150-180 m^(2)),small forest gaps(68-85 m^(2))and the understory,respectively.[Conclusion]Gap size has a certain effect on plant regeneration,and the niche characteristics of plant seedlings are different under different gap area.In the medium gap(150-180 m^(2)),the ecological overlap of regeneration seedlings in Pinus massoniana secondary forest is large.All species could make relatively balanced and effective use of environmental resources,and the regeneration situation is good and stable,which promotes the natural regeneration of the Pinus massoniana secondary forest.It is beneficial to the conservation of biodiversity and the improvement of forest carbon storage of Pinus massoniana secondary forest.