三峡库区兰陵溪小流域径流氮磷输出及其降雨径流过程特征 ( EI收录)
Characteristics of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Output in Runoff and Rainfall Runoff in Lanlingxi Watershed,Three Gorges Reservoir Area
英文题名:Characteristics of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Output in Runoff and Rainfall Runoff in Lanlingxi Watershed,Three Gorges Reservoir Area
作者:张林[1] 黄志霖[1,2] 肖文发[1] 曾立雄[1] 宋文梅[3]
通信作者:Huang, Zhi-Lin
外文期刊名:Environmental Science
基金:国家科技支撑计划项目(2015BAD07B04); 国家自然科学基金项目(31370481)
外文关键词:Three Gorges Reservoir Area; returning farmland to forest; non-point source pollution; watershed; rainfall and runoff
摘要:以三峡库区兰陵溪农林复合系统小流域为研究对象,对小流域氮磷流失量及其浓度进行连续监测,结合丰水期次降雨分析径流氮、磷输出变化特征及其响应过程.结果表明:(1)小流域雨季径流总量为50.92×10~4m^3,输出总氮载荷为52.43kg·hm^(-2),其中以硝态氮(30.26 kg·hm^(-2))和颗粒态氮(21.61 kg·hm^(-2))为主体,输出总磷为0.10 kg·hm^(-2);(2)降雨量分布具有阶段性特征,丰水期强降雨是土壤养分输出的主要驱动,其降雨径流贡献了雨季88%的总氮和90%的总磷流失;(3)小流域土壤养分氮、磷主要经由降雨形成地表径流过程输出,占养分总流失量的68%和74%;(4)降雨径流过程硝态氮浓度与径流量表现为负相关,养分输出主要在径流过程后期;径流的氨氮、总磷浓度与降雨量显著正相关,输出主要在径流过程前期;(5)雨季流域水体总氮浓度超标,降雨或非降雨期间均属劣Ⅴ类水质.
The small watershed of an agroforestry system in the Lanlingxi watershed in the Three Gorges Reservoir area was studied by performing continuous monitoring of nitrogen and phosphorus output and concentrations and analyzing the changes in the output of nitrogen and phosphorus in runoff and its response to different rainfall conditions. The results showed that:(1)The total runoff loss was50. 92 × 104 m3 in this watershed during the rainy season,with 52. 43 kg·hm^(-2) lost by total nitrogen,including nitrate nitrogen( 30. 26 kg·hm^(-2)) and particulate nitrogen( 21. 61 kg·hm^(-2)),and 0. 06 kg·hm^(-2) and 0. 10 kg·hm^(-2) lost by ammonium nitrogen and total phosphorus;(2)The distribution of rainfall has the characteristics of stage and strong rainfall during the wet season was the main driving force of soil nutrient output. Rainfall runoff contributed to 88% of total nitrogen loss and 90% of total phosphorus loss in the rainy season;(3)The main path of nitrogen and phosphorus loss in the rainy season was the surface runoff caused by rainfall,accounting for68% of total nitrogen loss and 74% of total phosphorus loss;(4) Nitrate nitrogen concentrations showed a negative correlation with rainfall runoff and the output was mainly distributed in the later runoff process. Ammonium nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations were positively correlated with rainfall and both were mainly distributed in the early stage of the runoff process;(5)The concentrations of total nitrogen in this watershed exceeded the standard values. The water quality in the rainfall and the non-rainfall period was worse than Grade Ⅴ.