森林景观模拟与构景因素控制试验 被引量:5
Forest Landscape Simulation and Scenic Beauty Degree Influence Factors Control Experiment
英文题名:Forest Landscape Simulation and Scenic Beauty Degree Influence Factors Control Experiment
外文期刊名:Forest Research
外文关键词:forest landscape simulation; control experiment ; Liquidambarformosana ; scenic beauty evaluation ; forest density; diameter at breast height
摘要:[目的]通过构景因素控制试验,揭示林木胸径与密度对森林景观的影响规律,为林分密度调控提供参考。[方法]以枫香林为例,综合应用PhotoShop、AutoCAD、SpeedTree等软件,开展森林景观模拟;借助林业试验设计方法开展胸径、密度与景观美景度关系的两因素、单因素控制性试验。[结果](1)在设定的10个密度水平下,胸径变化对美景度(SBE)的影响总体不显著,景观优劣次序为20 cm>30 cm>10 cm;但若取各胸径级前3个高分SBE比较,则优先次序为30 cm>20 cm>10 cm;(2)密度对美景度的影响总体上为极显著,不同胸径级的美景度随密度变化均为先升后降趋势,以适中密度为最优,但随着树体的增大,峰值密度向左偏移,10 cm、20 cm、30 cm的最佳密度分别为1 389、833、389株·hm-2。密度-美景度曲线拟合结果为二次曲线,函数形式分别为SBE10=3.435+0.005X1-1.639E(-6)X12(R2=0.719)、SBE_(20)=4.013+0.004X2-1.677E(-6)X_2~2(R^2=0.713)、SBE_(30)=6.355+0.001X3-8.128E(-7)X32(R2=0.728);(3)胸径与密度的交互效应对美景度有极显著影响,但同一密度、同属随机分布的不同模拟场景对美景度的影响不显著。[结论]组合应用多种软件进行森林景观模拟与评价取得了良好结果,方法可行;林分美学质量受胸径、密度两个因素的综合影响,随着胸径增大而提高,但不同胸径有不同的最佳配密匹配度。
The experiment for constitutive factors controlling was designed to reveal the rules of influence of DBH and density on forest landscape and provide a reference value to density control. [Method]Taking Liquidambar formosana forest as an example, some software, like PhotoShop, AutoCAD, SpeedTree et al were used to carry out forest simulation. With the help of forest test design method, the two-factors and single-factor controlling tests about DBH, density and scenic beauty evaluation (SBE) were conducted.[Result](1)Under preset density level, the DBH had no significant influence on SBE. The landscape pros was 20 cm 〉 30 cm 〉 10 cm; but if comparing the 3 best SBE values in each grade DBH, the priority was 30 cm 〉 20 cm 〉 10 cm. (2)The density had a very significant influence on SBE. The changes of SBE of different DBH followed a trend of increasing at initial and then descending. The moderate density showed the best. But with the increase of tree volume, the peak density deviated to the left. The best densities for 10 cm, 20 cm, and 30 cm were respectively 1 389, 833, and 389 plants/hm2. The density-SBE curve fitting resulted in a quadratic curve, the functional form are SBE10=3.435+0.005X1-1.639E(-6)X12 (R2=0.71), SBE20=4.013+0.004X2-1.677E(-6)X22(R2=0.713), SBE30=6.355+0.001X3-8.128E(-7)X32(R2=0.728). The interaction effect of DBH and density had a significant influence on SBE, but the repeated simulations of different aspects were not significant. [Conclusion]The method was feasible which achieved a better result by combining application of a variety of commercial software for simulation and evaluation of forest landscape. The Forest aesthetic quality is affected by the combination of two factors, DBH and density. The quality is development with the increasing of DBH, but different DBH has different best density to match.