火炬松×加勒比松F_1代生长、树干通直度和基本密度遗传和配合力分析 被引量:15
Estimation of Heritability and Combining Ability for Growth,Stem-Straightness and Wood Density of the F_1 Generation of Pinus taeda × P. caribaea
英文题名:Estimation of Heritability and Combining Ability for Growth,Stem-Straightness and Wood Density of the F_1 Generation of Pinus taeda × P. caribaea
作者:栾启福[1] 姜景民[1] 张建忠[2] 张守攻[3]
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:Pinus taeda × P. caribaea; growth traits; wood basic density; stem-straightness; heritability; combining ability
摘要:松类杂种直到20世纪中期才开始被培育利用,如窄果松×辐射松(Pinus attenuata×P.radiata)、欧洲落叶松×日本落叶松(Larix decidua×L.kaempferi)等(Dungey,2001)。同时,松属种间的一些杂种在其亲本自然分布区外获得较大成功1)(Nikles,2000;Peter,1979;Khurana et al.,1998;Lopez-Upton,1999)。同样。
The genetic characteristics and combining ability for growth,stem-straightness and wood density were estimated on 16 seven-year-old F1 families derived from crossing with 4 female and 4 male parents of Pinus taeda × P.caribaea with the NC II mating design.Analysis of variance showed that there were significant differences(P 0.01) in growth and wood basic density among 16 crosses,and (P 0.05) in stem-straightness.The heritability (h2) analysis showed that family mean heritability of growth,stem-straightness and wood density for female parents was higher than that for male parents,while the mean h2 for the full-sib families was in the middle of the parents heritability.The h2 of growth was 0.292 3-0.469 9 for female parents,and 0.191 9-0.403 3 for male parents.The family mean and single tree h2 of wood basic density for female parents was 0.176 4 and 0.034 6,respectively,and the single tree h2 of stem-straightness for male and female parents was 0.162 7 and 0.098 3,respectively.The heritability of DBH and volume was increasing in the last 6 years while the heritability of tree height was decreasing.The analysis of genetic correlation showed that growth traits had positive correlation (| rG | = 0.467 2-0.351 6) with stem-form,and had a negative one(| rG | = 0.220 3-0.679 8) with wood basic density.The general combining ability (GCA) effect of male or female parents for growth traits and stem-straightness was significantly different,and their special combining ability (SCA) effect for wood basic density was significant.The effective value of combining ability for GCA and SCA was estimated and the better parents and hybrids were evaluated.The correlation between genetic background of the parents and genetic differences of the progenies was discussed.