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南亚热带4个树种人工林生物量及其分配格局     被引量:11

Biomass and Its Distribution Pattern of Four Tree Species Plantation in South Subtropical China



英文题名:Biomass and Its Distribution Pattern of Four Tree Species Plantation in South Subtropical China

作者:郭耆[1] 赵厚本[2] 周光益[2] 隆卫革[1] 甘谷列[1] 吴尚勇[1] 蒙敏燕[1] 陈金兰[1]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:south subtropical;productivity;biomass model;mature forest;understory vegetation


摘要:[目的]对比南亚热带4个树种间生物量及其分配格局的差异,为评估人工林生产能力和碳汇潜力提供基础数据,为区域人工林提质增效改造和建设高效碳汇林的树种选择提供科学依据。[方法]通过标准地调查和生物量实测结合的方法,研究了广西柳州市在马尾松采伐迹地上同期营造的33年生木荷、米老排、蓝果树和杉木人工林的生物量及其分配格局。[结果]在立地条件、经营措施和林龄相同的条件下,不同树种人工林乔木层和林分生物量存在显著差异,林分生物量排序为木荷林(376.37 t·hm^(?2))>米老排林(284.51 t·hm^(?2))>杉木林(200.02 t·hm^(?2))>蓝果树林(175.56 t·hm^(?2))。乔木层生物量占林分总生物量的93.0%~98.3%,处于绝对优势地位;灌木层和草本层生物量占比较低(平均0.9%)且空间分布不均匀,不同林分间差异不显著;枯落物层生物量占比(平均2.3%)高于灌木层和草本层,木荷林枯落物现存量显著高于其他3种林分。乔木层生物量在各器官的分配格局均为树干所占比例最大,根或枝次之,叶最低,灌木和草本层生物量分配格局在不同林分间差异较大。[结论]在南亚热带人工林经营和林分改造中,选择速生阔叶树种造林可获得比针叶林更高的林分生产力和碳汇效益,在人工林经营中建议采取适当调控措施增加林下植被以增加系统稳定性和可持续发展潜力。
[Objective]To compare the differences of biomass and its distribution pattern among plantations of 4 tree species in south subtropical area,provide data for evaluating the production capacity and carbon sink potential of plantation,and provide support for the selection of tree species for improving quality and efficiency of regional plantation and building high-efficiency carbon sink forest.[Method]The biomass and its distribution pattern of 33-years-old Schima superba,Mytilaria laosensis,Nyssa sinensis and Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations planted in the same period on Pinus massoniana clear-cutting site in Liuzhou City,Guangxi,were studied by the method of standard plot investigation combined with biomass measurement.[Result]Under the same site conditions,management measures and forest age,there were significant differences in tree layer and stand biomass among different tree species plantations,the order of stand biomass was S.superba plantation(376.37 t·hm^(?2))>M.laosensis plantation(284.51 t·hm^(?2))>C.lanceolata plantation(200.02 t·hm^(?2))>N.sinensis plantation(175.56 t·hm^(?2)).The biomass of tree layer accounted for 93.0%-98.3%of the stand biomass,which was in an absolute dominant position.The biomass of shrub and herb layers accounted for a relatively low proportion(0.9%in average)and had a large spatial heterogeneity but no significant difference among different plantations.The biomass proportion of humus layer(2.3%in average)was higher than that of shrub and herb layers,and the humus pool of S.superba plantation was significantly higher than that of the other three plantations.The distribution pattern of biomass in tree layer was the largest in trunk,followed by root or branch,and the lowest in leaf.The distribution pattern of biomass in shrub and herb layers was different among different plantations.[Conclusion]In south subtropical plantation management and stand transformation,the selection of fast-growing broad-leaved tree species for afforestation can obtain higher stand productivity and carbon sequestration benefits than coniferous forest.It is suggested to take appropriate control measures to increase understory vegetation and to increase the system stability and sustainable development potential.



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