Hydrological Effects of Litter Layer and Soil Layers in Four Forest Types in the Qingshui River Basin in Northwest Hebei Province
英文题名:Hydrological Effects of Litter Layer and Soil Layers in Four Forest Types in the Qingshui River Basin in Northwest Hebei Province
作者:蔚阿龙[1] 温慧[2] 于生龙[2] 许星[2] 于燕琴[2] 丛日春[1]
外文期刊名:Terrestrial Ecosystem and Conservation
外文关键词:Qingshui River Basin;litter;soil;water conservation
摘要:【目的】清水河流域是北京地区的重要水源地之一,研究其不同类型森林的水文效应,有利于改善该流域的水生态环境和提高水源涵养能力,对保障冀西北地区生态服务功能具有重要意义。【方法】在张家口市和平林场选择华北落叶松(Larix gmelinii var.principis-rupprechtii)林、白桦-山杨(Betula platyphylla-Populus davidiana)林、白桦林、榆树(Ulmus pumila)林4种森林,通过浸泡法和环刀法分别测定枯落物层和土壤层的水文效应,并综合评价各类森林的水源涵养功能。【结果】1)枯落物层总蓄积量为华北落叶松林(32.12 t·hm^(-2))>白桦-山杨林(11.56 t·hm^(-2))>白桦林(10.17 t·hm^(-2))>榆树林(5.67 t·hm^(-2)),且均为半分解层大于未分解层。2)4种森林的枯落物层最大持水量变化规律与其蓄积量一致;持水量随浸水时长增加呈对数函数关系增大;吸水速率随浸水时长增加呈幂函数关系减小。3)4种森林的0~60 cm土层总孔隙度为白桦林(59.9%)>华北落叶松林(59.0%)>白桦-山杨林(52.2%)>榆树林(46.6%),但在0~20 cm土层为华北落叶松林最大(64.6%);4种森林的土壤最大持水量变化规律与总孔隙度一致。4)4种森林的综合水源涵养能力为华北落叶松林(P=0.00)>白桦林(P=1.21)>白桦-山杨林(P=1.27)>榆树林(P=2.39),即华北落叶松人工林水源涵养能力最优。【结论】清水河流域华北落叶松人工林的水源涵养能力优于其他3种天然次生林,且主要体现在枯落物半分解层和0~20 cm土层。该研究结果可为清水河流域乃至冀西北地区的森林植被恢复和经营、水源涵养、水土保持功能研究提供理论依据和科学参考,对保障京津冀地区水资源和生态安全有重要意义。
【Objective】The Qingshui River Basin is an important water source for Beijing.It is necessary to study the hydrological effects of different forest types to improve the water-related environment and conservation function in the Basin and to protect the ecological services in northwest Hebei Province.【Method】We chose Larix gmelinii var.principis-rupprechtii(PL),Betula platyphylla–Populus davidiana mixed forest(NBP),Betula platyphylla(NP),and Ulmus pumila(NU)forests on the Heping forest farm in Zhangjiakou as the research objects.The hydrological effects of the litter layer and soil layers were measured by the soaking method and cutting ring method,respectively,to evaluate the water conservation function of the different forest types.【Result】1)The total volume of the litter layer was PL(32.12 t·hm^(-2))﹥NBP(11.56 t·hm^(-2))﹥NP(10.17 t·hm^(-2))﹥NU(5.67 t·hm^(-2)),and the volume of semi-decomposed litter layer was higher than that of the undecomposed layer.2)The distribution of maximum water holding capacity of the litter layer among the four forest types was consistent with the volume.There was a logarithmic relationship between the water holding capacity of litter and soaking time,and the water absorption rate of litter showed a power function relationship with the soaking time.3)The soil total porosity of the four forest types was NP(59.9%)﹥PL(59.0%)﹥NBP(52.2%)﹥NU(46.6%),The total porosity was largest in PL in the 0~20 cm soil layer.The maximum water holding capacity of the soil among the four forest types was consistent with the total porosity.4)The water conservation capacity of the four forest types was PL(P=0.00)﹥NP(P=1.21)﹥NBP(P=1.27)﹥NU(P=2.39).Thus,the water conservation capacity of PL forest was the best.【Conclusion】The water conservation capacity of PL was better than that of three natural secondary forests,mainly in the semi-decomposed layer of litter and 0~20 cm soil layer.The results provide a theoretical basis and scientific reference for research into vegetation restoration and management,water conservation,and water-soil conservation functions in the Qingshui River basin and in northwest Hebei Province.The findings are important for the protection of water resources and ecological security in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.