英文题名:Study on Forest Fire Danger Forecast System and Its Operation in China
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:Forest fire danger prediction, Forest fire prevention, Operation system
摘要:The methodology on forest fire danger forecast system of national level and daily operation of the system was discussed. The system determined prediction model and method according to forest fire danger rating and fire danger indexes defined by related professional standards of forestry. The system obtains daily collection of meteorological observation dataset and information of digital weather forecast through the network. It also obtained daily weather observation data and observed data of fire danger factors on key areas through network. It thus concluded the weather forecast of national forest fire danger and forest fire danger forecast within future 24 hours and 48 hours, under the support of basic databases and after colligated processing and analysis of various data on GIS software platform. The forecast results have been daily promulgated through special forestry network and were published 4 times a week through China Central Television Program (CCTV2).
The methodology on forest fire danger forecast system of national level and daily operation of the system was discussed. The system determined prediction model and method according to forest fire danger rating and fire danger indexes defined by related professional standards of forestry. The system obtains daily collection of meteorological observation dataset and information of digital weather forecast through the network. It also obtained daily weather observation data and observed data of fire danger factors on key areas through network. It thus concluded the weather forecast of national forest fire danger and forest fire danger forecast within future 24 hours and 48 hours, under the support of basic databases and after colligated processing and analysis of various data on GIS software platform. The forecast results have been daily promulgated through special forestry network and were published 4 times a week through China Central Television Program (CCTV2).