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截顶及植物生长调节剂施用对马尾松内源激素和雌球花形成的影响     被引量:1

Effects of top pruning and exogenous hormone application on endogenous hormone content and female bulb formation in Pinus massoniana



英文题名:Effects of top pruning and exogenous hormone application on endogenous hormone content and female bulb formation in Pinus massoniana

作者:王文月[1,2] 丰忠平[3] 王建昌[3] 杨涛[1] 张振[1] 周志春[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Zhejiang A&F University





外文关键词:top pruning;Pinus massoniana;female cones;endogenous hormones;floral primordium formation


摘要:【目的】探究截除顶梢及植物生长调节剂诱导后马尾松Pinus massoniana内源激素质量分数变化对新枝生长与雌球花形成的影响。【方法】采用盆栽控制试验,以3年生209号马尾松无性系为试材,设置保留1层轮枝(T1)、保留2层轮枝(T2)、未截顶(NT)、未截顶+100 mg·L^(?1)赤霉素(GA4/7)(NT+G100)、未截顶+200 mg·L^(?1)GA4/7(NT+G200)和未截顶+400 mg·L^(?1)GA4/7(NT+G400)等6个处理,测定花原基形成前期(S1)、花原基形成期(S2)和花原基形成后期(S3)的针叶内源激素质量分数及其比值的变化,研究各处理对雌球花密度和枝生长的影响。【结果】与NT相比,T1处理的雌球花密度、枝长和枝粗分别增加126.00%、181.55%和35.78%,T2处分别理增加66.52%~82.67%、119.31%~150.45%和9.17%~111.49%;与GA4/7各处理相比,截顶处理后,除第1层轮枝处的枝长增长量显著(P<0.05)低于NT+G200处理外,T1和T2处理的雌球花密度、枝长与枝粗增长量与GA4/7其他处理间差异不显著。在S1时期,与NT相比,T1和T2处理的针叶吲哚乙酸(IAA)质量分数分别显著(P<0.05)下降11.24%和9.62%,脱落酸(ABA)质量分数显著(P<0.05)增加15.09%和8.15%,GA7、GA4、玉米素核苷(ZR)质量分数下降,但差异不显著,(IAA+GA7+GA4+ZR)/ABA比值分别为7.22和7.61;在S2时期,T1和T2处理下的针叶IAA、GA7、GA4和ZR质量分数均较S1时期增加,ABA质量分数降低,(IAA+GA7+GA4+ZR)/ABA比值升高;在S3时期,所测激素质量分数均较S2时期降低。截顶与GA4/7诱导后主要激素质量分数的变化趋势不同。在S1至S3时期,GA4/7诱导后的IAA质量分数逐渐降低,GA7、GA4和ZR质量分数先增加后降低,ABA质量分数则先降低后增加。在截顶后20 d内,IAA、GA7、GA4和ZR质量分数呈先降低后增加的恢复特征,ABA质量分数呈持续下降的动态变化,截顶强度影响着不同轮枝处针叶IAA、GA4、ABA和ZR激素质量分数的变化。【结论】在花原基形成前期实施截顶和GA4/7处理均可促进马尾松结实母枝更新和雌球花形成,与针叶内源激素质量分数的变化密切相关。
[Objective]This study is to investigate the effects of the change in endogenous hormone content on the growth of new branches and formation of female cones in Pinus massoniana after top pruning and hormone induction.[Method]A pot control experiment was conducted using a 3-year-old clone 209 of P.massoniana as the test material.Six treatments were set up,including retaining one layer of branches(T1),retaining two layers of branches(T2),no top pruning(NT),no top pruning+100 mg·L^(?1)GA4/7(NT+G100),no top pruning+200 mg·L^(?1)GA4/7(NT+G200)and no top pruning+400 mg·L^(?1)GA4/7(NT+G400)to measure the changes in the content and ratio of endogenous hormones in conifers at the early stage of flower primordium formation(S1),the stage of flower primordium formation(S2)and the late stage of flower primordium formation(S3).The effects on female cone density and branch growth were studied.[Result]Compared with NT,the female cone density,branch length and branch diameter of T1 treatment increased by 126.00%,181.55%and 35.78%,respectively,while those of T2 treatment increased by 66.52%?82.67%,119.31%?150.45%and 9.17%?111.49%,respectively.Compared with GA4/7 treatments,there was no significant difference in the growth of female cone density,branch length and branch diameter between T1 and T2 treatments and other treatments with GA4/7 after top pruning,except that the growth of branch length at the first layer was significantly lower than that of NT+G200 treatment.In S1 period,compared with NT,the content of indoleacetic acid(IAA)in the needles of T1 and T2 treatments decreased significantly by 11.24%and 9.62%(P<0.05),the content of abscisic acid(ABA)increased significantly by 15.09%and 8.15%(P<0.05),and the content of GA7,GA4 and zeatin nucleoside(ZR)in the needles decreased significantly,but the difference was not significant,with(IAA+GA7+GA4+ZR)/ABA ratios of 7.22 and 7.61 respectively.At S2 stage,the contents of IAA,GA7,GA4 and ZR in needles treated with T1 and T2 increased compared with that in S1 stage,while the content of ABA decreased,and the ratio of(IAA+GA7+GA4+ZR)/ABA increased.At S3 stage,the measured hormone content was lower than that in S2 stage.The change trend of the main hormone content after top pruning and GA4/7 induction was different.From S1 to S3,IAA content gradually decreased after GA4/7 induction,GA7,GA4 and ZR content first increased and then decreased,and ABA content first decreased and then increased.Within 20 days after top pruning,IAA,GA7,GA4 and ZR contents decreased first and then increased,while the ABA content decreased continuously.The intensity of top pruning affected the changes of IAA,GA4,ABA and ZR hormone contents in needles at different whorls.[Conclusion]Both top pruning and GA4/7 treatment at the early stage of flower primordium formation can promote the regeneration of fruiting mother branches and the formation of female cones in P.massoniana,which is closely related to the change of endogenous hormone content in needles.



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