我国格木的地理分布与种实表型变异 被引量:33
Geographic Distribution and Phenotypic Variation of Fruit and Seed of Erythrophleum fordii in China
英文题名:Geographic Distribution and Phenotypic Variation of Fruit and Seed of Erythrophleum fordii in China
作者:赵志刚[1] 郭俊杰[1] 沙二[1] 林开勤[1] 曾杰[1] 徐建民[1]
外文期刊名:Chinese Bulletin of Botany
外文关键词:Erythrophleum fordii, fruit and seed trait, geographic distribution, phenotypic variation
摘要:在调查格木(Erythrophleum fordii)主要天然分布区及资源现状的基础上,研究了荚果和种子的11个表型性状在8个格木天然群体内和群体间的变异规律,探讨了种实表型变异与地理、环境因子的相关性。结果显示:格木天然林主要分布在广西、广东和福建3省区北回归线附近低海拔地区,大部分呈散生状态或小群体;格木荚果和种子的长度、宽度、形态指数以及每个荚果内种子数、种子厚度和千粒重在群体间和群体内单株间均存在显著差异;荚果性状在群体间和群体内的变异均大于种子性状;每个荚果内种子数与荚果的长度、形态指数以及种子的长度、大小呈显著正相关,种子长度和宽度与荚果大小、种子千粒重与荚果宽度均呈显著正相关;荚果形态指数与经度呈显著负相关,种子千粒重与纬度、种子宽度与海拔和年降雨量、种子形态指数与年均气温、种子大小与年降雨量均呈显著正相关。通过聚类分析可将8个格木群体分为3类:GX03单独为1类,GX01与GX02聚为1类,其余5个群体聚为1类。研究结果为进一步开展格木保护生物学和遗传育种研究奠定了基础。
We surveyed the natural distribution and current resource status of Erythrophleum fordii in South China. We investi- gated 11 phenotypic traits of fruits and seeds fOr 112 individuals in 8 natural populations to estimate variations within and among the populations and analyze relationships between phenotypic variation of these natural populations and their geographic and climate regimes. E. fordiiwas mainly distributed in the low-altitude areas near the Tropic of Cancer in Guangxi, Guangdong and Fujian Provinces and was generally scattered or naturally grew at a small scale because of heavy human disturbance. Length, width and morphological index of pods and seeds, quantity of seeds per pod, seed thickness, and weight per 1 000 seeds significantly differed within and among populations, and variations of pod traits within and among populations were all larger than those of seed traits. The quantity of seeds per pod showed a significant positive correlation with pod length, the morphological index of the pod, seed length and seed size, and seed length and width showed a positive correlation with pod size, as did weight per 1 000 seeds with pod width. The morphological index of pods showed a significant negative correlation with longitude. Positive correlations were seen between weight per 1 000 seeds and latitude; seed width and altitude and mean annual rainfall; morphological index of seeds and mean annual temperature; and seed size and mean annual rainfall. Hierarchical cluster analysis revealed these 8 populations divided into three groups: (1) GX03; (2) GX01 and GX02; and (3) GD01, GD02, GD03, GD04 and F J01. These findings can offer basic data for further study of conservation biology and genetic breeding of this species.