山桐子不同种源和家系果实化学成分及脂肪酸组分的差异分析 被引量:1
Differences in Chemical Composition and Fatty Acid Composition of Fruits from Different Provenances and Families of Idesia polycarpa
英文题名:Differences in Chemical Composition and Fatty Acid Composition of Fruits from Different Provenances and Families of Idesia polycarpa
作者:刘仁[1] 贺小林[1] 温黎斌[1] 郭志强[1] 朱琪[1] 魏敏[1] 厉月桥[1] 刘儒[1]
外文期刊名:Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis
外文关键词:Idesia polycarpa;provenance;family;chemical constituents;fatty acid components
摘要:【目的】山桐子(Idesia polycarpa)果实作为生产生物柴油的重要资源、健康食用油的潜在资源和可生物降解的润滑剂资源,探明不同种源和家系山桐子果实化学成分及脂肪酸组分含量差异,为地方筛选含特定成分的山桐子良种提供理论参考。【方法】以采自4个种源16个家系的山桐子果实为材料,测定全碳、全氮、全磷、粗脂肪和脂肪酸组分含量,并分析其差异及影响因子。【结果】不同种源和家系山桐子果实养分及化学计量比、粗脂肪和脂肪酸组分含量存在显著差异。江西修水种源的山桐子果实全碳、全氮和全磷含量最高,安徽黄山种源山桐子果实粗脂肪含量最高,主要表现在江西修水4家系和安徽黄山11家系。江西修水种源的山桐子果实脂肪酸组分含量显著高于江西九连山种源。不同种源山桐子果实的脂肪酸成分均以亚油酸和棕榈酸为主,而亚油酸占比与棕榈酸、棕榈油酸和反式油酸占比是此消彼长的。相关性和聚类分析表明,粗脂肪含量与全氮、全磷呈显著的负相关关系,脂肪酸各组分间呈显著正相关,经纬度、七月均温、年降水量与反式油酸、粗脂肪酸含量呈显著正相关关系,与全氮、全磷呈显著负相关关系。不同种源和家系间山桐子果实脂肪酸组分含量没有聚为一类且未按照地理距离而聚类。【结论】在果实化学成分、脂肪酸含量及占比中,4个种源中江西修水和安徽黄山种源的优势明显,其中安徽黄山11、江西修水4的优势较为突出。脂肪酸的合成会促进碳和粗脂肪含量的积累,温度和降水量的提高有助于消耗氮磷养分来提高粗脂肪含量。不同种源和家系间山桐子果实脂肪酸组分含量差异明显且不存在空间特异性,可为进一步培育特定成分和高含油率山桐子良种试验提供宝贵的材料。
[Objective]The fruit of Idesia polycarpa is an important resource for the production of biodiesel,a potential resource for healthy edible oil and a biodegradable lubricant resource.The differences in chemical composition and fatty acid composition of Idesia polycarpa fruits from different provenances and families were explored to provide a theoretical reference for local screening of improved varieties of Idesia polycarpa containing specific components.[Method]The contents of total carbon,total nitrogen,total phosphorus,crude fat and fatty acid components in fruits of 16 families from 4 provenances were determined,and the differences and influencing factors were analyzed.[Result]There were significant differences in nutrient and stoichiometric ratio,crude fat and fatty acid components in the fruits of different provenances and families.The total carbon,total nitrogen and total phosphorus contents of Idesia polycarpa fruit fromthe 4 family of Xiushui provenance in Jiangxi Province were the highest,and the crude fat content of Idesia polycarpa fruit from the 11 family of Huangshan provenance of Anhui Province was the highest.The content of fatty acid components in fruit of Idesia polycarpa from Xiushui provenance was significantly higher than that from Jiulianshan provenance in the same province.The fatty acid components of Idesia polycarpa fruits from different provenances were mainly linoleic acid and palmitic acid,The proportion of linoleic acid is inversely proportional to the proportion of palmitic acid,palmitoleic acid and trans oleic acid..Correlation and cluster analysis showed that crude fat content was significantly and negatively correlated with total nitrogen and total phosphorus,and there was a significant positive correlation between fatty acid components.The latitude and longitude,average temperature in July and annual precipitation were significantly and positively correlated with trans-oleic acid and crude fatty acid content,and significantly and negatively correlated with total nitrogen and total phosphorus.The content of fatty acid components in fruits of Idesia polycarpa among different provenances and families was not clustered into one category and not separated according to geographical distance.[Conclusion]Among the four provenances,Xiushui and Huangshan had obvious advantages in fruit chemical composition,fatty acid content and proportion,among which Huangshan 11 family and Xiushui 4 family had more prominent advantages.The synthesis of fatty acids promotes the accumulation of carbon and crude fat content.The increase of temperature and precipitation helps to consume nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients to increase crude fat content.The content of fatty acid components in fruits of Idesia polycarpa from different provenances and families was significantly different and there was no spatial specificity,which could provide valuable materials for further cultivation of specific components and high oil content of Idesia polycarpa.