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不同栽培基质对浙江楠和闽楠容器苗生长和根系发育的影响     被引量:59

Effects of different cultivation substrates on growth and root system development of container seedlings of Phoebe chekiangensis and P. bournei



英文题名:Effects of different cultivation substrates on growth and root system development of container seedlings of Phoebe chekiangensis and P. bournei

作者:王艺[1,2] 王秀花[3] 张丽珍[3] 吴利荣[3] 周志春[2] 徐有明[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Plant Resources and Environment





外文关键词:Phoebe chekiangensis C. B. Shang; P. bournei (Hemsl.) Yang; container seedling;cultivation substrate; root system development; growth index


摘要:按体积比5∶5、6∶4、7∶3和8∶2分别将泥炭与珍珠岩、谷壳、树皮粉和香菇废料混合制成16种栽培基质,研究了不同基质组成和配比对浙江楠(Phoebe chekiangensis C.B.Shang)和闽楠〔P.bournei(Hemsl.)Yang〕容器苗生长状况(包括苗高、地径、总干质量和根冠比4个指标)以及根系发育状况(包括根总长、根表面积和根体积3个指标)的影响。结果表明:采用不同基质,浙江楠和闽楠容器苗的各项指标间均有差异,其中部分指标有显著差异。从基质组成看,使用泥炭-珍珠岩、泥炭-谷壳和泥炭-树皮粉3类基质,浙江楠和闽楠容器苗的生长和根系发育的各项指标均优于使用泥炭-香菇废料基质,表明前3种基质组成更有利于浙江楠和闽楠容器苗的生长和根系发育。从基质配比看,当基质中泥炭体积分数达到70%时,浙江楠和闽楠容器苗的苗高和地径最大;而当基质中泥炭体积分数达到50%时,其根总长、根表面积和根体积较大;但基质中泥炭比例对容器苗总干质量的影响无明显规律。除闽楠容器苗的地径外,基质组成与基质配比的交互作用对浙江楠和闽楠容器苗的生长和根系发育指标均有显著影响。综合分析结果表明:选用泥炭-谷壳或泥炭-树皮粉基质,按体积比7∶3配制,适用于浙江楠容器苗的培育;按体积比8∶2配制,适用于闽楠容器苗的培育。
Sixteen cultivation substrates composed of peat with perlite, husk, bark powder and mushroom scrap according to volume ratio of 5:5, 6:4, 7:3 and 8:2 were made, respectively, and effects of different substrate combinations and proportions on growth status (including four indexes of height, ground diameter, total dry weight and root-shoot ratio ) and root system development status (including three indexes of total root length, root surface area and root volume ) of container seedlings of Phoebe chekiangensis C. B. Shang and P. bournei (Hemsl.) Yang were researched. The results show that by using different substrates, there are differences in all indexes of container seedlings of two species above, in which, some indexes with significant differences. In aspect of substrate combination, all indexes of growth and root system development of container seedlings substrates of peat-perlite, peat-husk and peat-bark powder of two species are superior in using three to in using peat-mushroom scrap substrate,meaning that the former three substrate combinations are more beneficial to growth and root system development of container seedlings of two species. In aspect of substrate proportion, height and ground diameter of container seedlings of two species are the largest when volume fraction of peat in substrate reaches 70% , while total root length, root surface area and root volume are larger when that reaches 50%. But peat ratio in substrat has no obvious rule in effect on total dry weight. Except ground diameter of container seedling of P. bournei, interaction between substrate combination and substrate proportion has a significant effect on indexes of growth and root system development of container seedlings of two species. The comprehensive analysis result indicates that peat-husk or peat-bark powder suhstrates prepared with volume ratio 7:3 are suitable for cultivating of P. chekiangensis container seedling, and those prepared with volume ratio 8:2 are suitable for cultivating of P. bournei container seedling.



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