英文题名:Impacts of Climate Change on Forest Fire Danger in China
作者:田晓瑞[1] 舒立福[1] 赵凤君[1] 王明玉[1]
通信作者:Shu, Lifu
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:climate change; forest fire danger; climate impacts
摘要:【目的】在全国尺度上研究气候变化对森林火险的影响,为我国宏观林火管理提供科学参考依据。【方法】研究区包括中国的主要森林分布区,并根据中国生态地理系统分成6个区域,研究过去50年和未来2021—2050年的主要气候特征及火险变化。地面气候资料包括824个国家级基准、基本站的日值观测资料(1961—2010年)数据集,利用距离方向加权平均法把各气象因子差值到空间分辨率为0.25°×0.25°的网格点。气候情景数据包括4个情景(RCP2.6、RCP4.5、RCP6.0和RCP8.5)下5个全球气候模式(GFDL-ESM2M、Had GEM2-ES、IPSLCM5A-LR、MIROC-ESM-CHEM和Nor ESM1-M)的日值数据(1951—2050年),水平分辨率为0.5°×0.5°。分别根据观测数据和订正后的气候模式预测数据计算每个格点每日的森林火险天气指数。因子突变检验采用Mann-Kendall法。【结果】历史观测数据表明,基准时段(1971—2010年)研究区平均气温呈上升趋势,但降水量无明显变化。1961—2010年各森林分布区的火险期平均气温增加趋势显著,而降水量只有中温带干旱地区荒漠针叶林区显著增加,其他区域的变化不显著。1976—2010年各生态地理区内森林分布区的火险期指数平均值大部分表现出增加趋势。区域气候情景模型预测2021—2050年森林分布区的平均气温将增加1.6~2.1℃,降水将增加2.3%~4.8%。2021—2050年各生态区防火期的平均气温在都比基准时段显著增加,但降水量只有寒温带湿润地区针叶林区和中北亚热带湿润地区阔叶林、人工植被区显著增加。RCP2.6、RCP4.5、RCP6.0和RCP8.5情景下火险天气指数95th百分位数比基准时段分别增加13.5%,18.9%,14.9%和22.33%;不同气候情景下的火险天气指数的未来增量存在空间差异,其中南方和西南林区的高火险天气日数将明显增加。【结论】1976—2010年我国的森林火险指数表现出增加趋势。气候模式对气温与降水的模拟基本和观测值一致,其预测的2021—2050年我国森林分布区的平均气温和降水量都将有所增加,导致火险期气候呈现暖干化变化趋势,大部分区域的火险指数将升高,尤其南方比北方林区的增幅更加显著,华北和西南地区将是未来森林火灾预防的重点区域。目前气候模型还不能很好地模拟极端气候事件,这对森林火险的分析会有一定的影响,但研究结果可以反映森林火险天气的变化趋势。未来需要更加注重极端气候事件对森林火险和潜在火行为影响的研究。
【Objective】 Up to now,researches on forest fire and climate change in China were mainly carried out on regional scale. Thus,it is necessary to study the influences of climate change on forest fire danger on the national scale,which would provide a scientific reference for macro forest fire management in China.【Method】 The study area includes main forest distribution regions in China,and it was divided into six regions according to the eco-geographic system in China. The main climatic characteristics and fire danger changes were analyzed over the past 50 years and future period from 2021 to 2050. Surface climate observation data( 1961—2010) were collected from 824 basic weather stations,and the data for every meteorological factor were interpolated to grid points( spatial resolution with 0. 25° × 0. 25°) by using distance average weighted method. Simulated climate data( 1951—2050) include four climate scenarios( RCP2. 6,RCP4. 5,RCP6. 0,and RCP8. 5) and five global climate models( GFDL-ESM2 M,Had GEM2-ES,IPSL-CM5A-LR,MIROC-ESM-CHEM,and Nor ESM1-M),and their horizontal resolution was 0. 5° × 0. 5°. Daily fire weather indexes( FWI) were calculated for each grid by FWI system according to the observed data and the calibrated data with the climate models. Mann-Kendall method was used for mutation test.【Result】 The average temperature from observed data for the study area in baseline period( 1971—2010) showed an upward trend,but there was no significant change in the precipitation. The average temperature in fire season increased significantly from 1961—2010. But the precipitation increased significantly only for the coniferous forest region in temperate arid and desert areas,and no significant changes were found in other forest regions. from 1976—2010,the average FWI for fire season in each eco-geographical region showed an increasing trend. The average temperature in the forest distribution areas would increase by 1. 6-2. 1 ℃ from2021—2050 based on theresult of regional climate models,and the precipitation could increase by 2. 3%-4. 8%. The average temperature of fire season for each ecological region would increased significantly in 2021-2050,compared with the baseline period. But precipitation would increased significantly just for the coniferous forest region in cold temperate humid zone and broad-leaved forest and artificial vegetation region in north subtropical humid zone. The 95 thpercentile FWI from 2021—2050 would increase by 13. 5%,18. 9%,14. 9%,and 22. 3% for scenarios RCP2. 6,RCP4. 5,RCP6. 0,and RCP8. 5,respectively. There are differences in spatial distribution for the FWI increments with different climate scenarios. The days with high fire danger rating would increase significantly for southern and southwestern regions.【Conclusion】The simulated temperature and precipitation data are almost consistent with the observed data in history.From 2021—2050,the average temperature would increase in forest regions,and the climate in fire season would show a warming and drying trend. The fire weather indexes showed an increasing trend from 1976—2010,and they would continue rise from 2021—2050. The fire weather indexes would increase more significant in the south than in the north China. North and southwest China would be the key areas for forest fire prevention in the future. At present,the climate model cannot simulate extreme climate events well,which must affect the accuracy of the fire danger analysis. But the result can reflect the tendency of fire weather change. In the future,more attention should be paid to the study on the influences of extreme climate events on forest fire risk and potential fire behavior.