南方红豆杉天然居群叶片的表型性状和氮磷化学计量特征的变异规律 被引量:13
Variation law of phenotypic traits and nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometric characteristics of leaf of natural populations of Taxus wallichiana var.mairei
英文题名:Variation law of phenotypic traits and nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometric characteristics of leaf of natural populations of Taxus wallichiana var.mairei
作者:罗芊芊[1,2] 周志春[1] 邓宗付[3] 喻龙华[3] 孙建军[3] 徐刚标[2]
外文期刊名:Journal of Plant Resources and Environment
外文关键词:Taxus wallichiana var.mairei(Lemée et H.Lév.)L.K.Fu et Nan Li;natural population;leaf phenotypic trait;nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry;geographical variation
摘要:以南方红豆杉〔Taxus wallichiana var.mairei(Lemée et H.Lév.)L.K.Fu et Nan Li〕18个天然居群为研究对象,对叶片的5个表型性状和3个氮磷化学计量指标进行了比较,对各性状和指标及地理-气候因子间的相关性进行了分析,并基于叶片表型性状对18个居群进行了聚类分析。结果显示:南方红豆杉的叶长、叶宽、叶面积、叶周长和叶宽长比的变幅分别为2.32~3.00 cm、0.33~0.48 cm、0.64~1.12 cm^2、5.43~7.03 cm和0.14~0.17;各性状的变异系数为12.79%~29.56%,以叶宽长比的变异系数最大,且在居群间和居群内差异极显著(P<0.01)。叶片的氮含量、磷含量和氮磷比的变幅分别为14.30~20.83 g·kg^(-1)、0.96~1.61 g·kg^(-1)和10.62~22.28;各指标的变异系数为11.13%~20.90%,以氮磷比的变异系数最大,且在居群间差异极显著。5个表型性状在居群内的方差分量百分比均值(51.54%)明显大于居群间(22.88%)。叶长与叶宽长比无显著相关性,其他表型性状间均极显著或显著(P<0.05)正相关;氮磷比与氮含量显著正相关,与磷含量极显著负相关;氮磷比与叶长显著负相关,与叶面积和叶周长显著正相关;叶长、叶面积和叶周长与经度显著负相关,叶宽长比与最热月最高温极显著负相关。在欧氏距离15处,18个居群可聚为2类,其中,第1类的居群大部分位于浙江省和福建省,第2类的居群大部分位于江西省。综合分析结果表明:南方红豆杉天然居群叶片的表型性状和氮磷化学计量指标存在明显的地理变异,且大多为随机变异;叶长、叶面积和叶周长在地理空间上呈现以经度为主的单一变异模式;随经度增大叶片趋于短小,叶片氮磷比越大叶片越宽大;叶片表型性状的变异主要来源于居群内,是遗传和环境共同作用的结果。
Taking 18 natural populations of Taxus wallichiana var.mairei(Lemée et H.Lév.)L.K.Fu et Nan Li as research objects,5 phenotypic traits and 3 nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometric indexes of leaf were compared,the correlations among each trait and index and geographical-climatic factors were analyzed,and cluster analysis of 18 populations was conducted based on leaf phenotypic traits.The results show that the variation ranges of leaf length,leaf width,leaf area,leaf perimeter and ratio of leaf width to leaf length of T.wallichiana var.mairei are 2.32-3.00 cm,0.33-0.48 cm,0.64-1.12 cm^2,5.43-7.03 cm and 0.14-0.17,respectively;the coefficient of variation of each trait is 12.79%-29.56%,among which that of ratio of leaf width to leaf length is the largest,and the differences are extremely significant(P<0.01)among populations and within population.The variation ranges of nitrogen content,phosphorus content and ratio of nitrogen content to phosphorus content in leaf are 14.30-20.83 g·kg^(-1),0.96-1.61 g·kg^(-1) and 10.62-22.28,respectively;the coefficient of variation of each index is 11.13%-20.90%,among which that of ratio of nitrogen content to phosphorus content is the largest,and the difference is extremely significant among populations.The average of percentage of variance component of 5 phenotypic traits within population(51.54%)is evidently greater than that among populations(22.88%).There is no significant correlation of leaf length with ratio of leaf width to leaf length,but there are extremely significant or significant(P<0.05)positive correlations among other phenotypic traits;ratio of nitrogen content to phosphorus content shows a positive correlation with nitrogen content and an extremely significant negative correlation with phosphorus content;ratio of nitrogen content to phosphorus content shows a significant negative correlation with leaf length and significant positive correlations with leaf area and leaf perimeter;leaf length,leaf area and leaf perimeter show significant negative correlations with longitude,meanwhile ratio of leaf width to leaf length shows an extremely significant negative correlation with maximum temperature of the warmest month.At the Euclidean distance of 15,18 populations can be clustered into 2 groups,in which,most populations of group 1 are located in Zhejiang Province and Fujian Province,and most populations of group 2 are located in Jiangxi Province.The comprehensive analysis result shows that there are evident geographical variations in phenotypic traits and nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometric indexes of leaf of natural populations of T.wallichiana var.mairei,and most variations are random variations;leaf length,leaf area and leaf perimeter show longitude-dominated single variation pattern in geographic space;leaf tends to be smaller and shorter with the increase of longitude,and leaf is wider and bigger with the increase of ratio of nitrogen content to phosphorus content in leaf;the variations of leaf phenotypic traits are mainly from within population,which is the combined action result of heredity and environment.