不同热带森林空气负离子浓度评价研究 被引量:14
The Spatial-temporal Pattern and Influencing Factors of Negative Air Ions in Tropical Forests,Hainan,China
英文题名:The Spatial-temporal Pattern and Influencing Factors of Negative Air Ions in Tropical Forests,Hainan,China
作者:王一荃[1,2] 周璋[1,3] 李意德[1] 陈德祥[1] 张涛[1,3] 杨繁[1,3]
外文期刊名:Ecology and Environmental Sciences
外文关键词:Air negative ions(NAIs);air quality;tropical forest;natural forest;plantation;Jianfengling;Hainan Island
摘要:探究中国热带森林改善空气环境质量的功能及其影响因子,为热带雨林国家公园康养资源及生态系统服务功能评估提供基本参数。选择海南尖峰岭4种典型森林类型监测空气负离子浓度及其变化,并以无植被覆盖的开阔地为参照对象,采用相关分析与回归分析等方法研究不同植被类型空气负离子差异及其影响因素,并采用安倍空气离子评价指数、森林空气离子评价模型对不同林分空气质量进行评价。结果表明,(1)尖峰岭热带山地雨林区平均空气负离子浓度为1534-5393 ion·cm^(?3)。不同林分空气负离子浓度差异明显,从高到低排序为:热带山地雨林原始林(5393 ion·cm^(?3))>热带山地雨林次生林(4199 ion·cm^(?3))>鸡毛松(Podocarpus imbricatus)人工林(4009 ion·cm^(?3))>加勒比松(Pinus caribaea)人工林(2606 ion·cm^(?3))>空旷地(1543 ion·cm^(?3))。(2)负离子浓度一年中最高值为5月(雨季),最低值为11月(旱季)。负离子浓度在一天中的最高值出现在10:00-12:00,旱季最低值出现在20:00-21:00,雨季没有明显低峰。(3)林内空气负离子浓度与林分结构(物种多样性指数和结构多样性指数)呈显著正相关关系(P<0.01);与相对湿度呈正相关(P<0.01),而与空气温度和PM2.5质量浓度呈负相关(P<0.05)。(4)各林分空气质量评价指数从小到大依次为:空旷地<加勒比松人工林<鸡毛松人工林<热带山地雨林次生林<热带山地雨林原始林。热带森林改善空气环境质量的能力与林分类型、林分起源有关,天然林>人工林,原始林>次生林,热带森林空气负离子浓度主要受物种多样性和林分结构多样性的影响。
The spatial and temporal variations of negative air ions(NAIs) and their influencing factors in the tropical forest have attracted much attention. It provides basic parameters for the assessment of forest health resources and ecosystem service function in tropical forest. The mountain tropical forest area was selected as the research area in which to determine the differences of environmental factors that influence NAIs at different time and space scales. NAIs, meteorological factors, and air particulate matter were monitored simultaneously. Pearson correlation analysis and linear regression analysis were used to quantify the relationship between NAIs and the influencing factors. Abe Air ion evaluation index and forest air ion evaluation model were applied to evaluate the air quality of different forest stands. The results showed that:(1) The average value of NAIs concentration in the mountain tropical forest of Jianfengling is 1 534–5 393 ion·cm-3. The annual average value was sorted in descending order as primary tropical mountain rainforest(5 393 ion·cm-3), secondary tropical mountain rainforest(4 199 ion·cm-3), Chiffon pine(Podocarpus imbricatus) plantation(4 009 ion·cm-3) > Caribbean pine(Pinus caribaea) plantation(2 606 ion·cm-3), open space(1 543 ion·cm-3).(2) The seasonal variation of NAIs was significant in different forests, while the monthly variation curves generally showed similar characteristics a single peak curve, with highest value appeared in May(in rainy season), and the lowest value in November(in dry season). The diurnal variation of NAIs generally presented a inverse V-shaped distribution. The larger values occured from 10:00 to 12:00 in the daytime, and the minimum appeared at 200:00 and 21:00 during dry season, and there’s no obvious low peak in the rainy season.(3) There were significant positive correlation between NAIs concentration and specie and structural diversity(P<0.01). There was a positive correlation between NAIs and relative humidity(P<0.01), but a negative correlation with air temperature and ρ(PM2.5)(P<0.01). And(4) the order of air quality evaluation index from minimum to maximum is as follows: Open space