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金丝楸层积催芽及嫩枝扦插技术研究     被引量:3

Study on Stratification for Accelerating Germination and Softwood Cutting Techniques for Catalpa bungei C.A.Meyer



英文题名:Study on Stratification for Accelerating Germination and Softwood Cutting Techniques for Catalpa bungei C.A.Meyer

作者:张俊佩[1] 张建国[1] 徐虎智[2] 王高鹏[2] 梁润峰[2] 吕保聚[2]








外文期刊名:Journal of Henan Agricultural University





外文关键词:Catalpa bungei C. A. Meyer; stratification for accelerating germination; softwood cutting; rooting rate


摘要:以金丝楸(Catalpa bungei C.A.Meyer)优良无性系为试材,用层积催芽方法,比较了在相同条件下不同催芽时间因其部位、粗度和长度不同而对发芽的影响;用嫩枝扦插技术,研究了不同处理方式其芽穗扦插生根率的变化.结果表明,当地温达到12℃,苗干(或根段)就可发芽,地温升到14℃,发芽速度明显加快,在1月、2月和3月催芽分别需时30,20,10d,根茎直径在1.5~1.9cm时发芽量最多,平均6.4个,苗干发芽多少与其节数和节周围的休眠芽数有关,与苗干长短、是否带根无关;其次,不同质量浓度的激素处理嫩枝扦插生根差异显著,以IBA+NAA混配(体积比为1:2,质量浓度均为500mg·L^-1)速蘸处理生根率最高,平均88.0%;第三,用基质Ⅱ、基质Ⅲ和基质Ⅳ嫩枝扦插均能获得较高的生根率,平均85.0%以上;第四,温室穗条扦插生根率最高,平均92%以上,母树基部萌蘖、母树顶部嫩枝和2年生苗木新梢生根率均很低.
Experiments were conducted to study the effects of different part, thickness and length material on the germination rate under different accelerating date when other conditions were the same. Using the stratification techniques for accelerating germination, and the rooting rate is researched with the softwood cutting technique with clones of Catalpa bungei C. A. Meyer. The results show that: first, the seedling trunk(or the root segment)can germinate when the ground temperature reaches 12 ℃ , and the germination rate speeds up obviously when the ground temperature reaches 14 ℃. It takes respectively 30 d, 20 d and 10 d to stratify for accelerating germination in January, February and March. The germinating quantities of the rootstock of diameter 1.5 - 1.9 cm is the most, with an average of 6.4 pieces. The germinating numbers of the seedling trunk is related with its burls and the resting buds around the burls, and has nothing to do with seedling trunk length and root; secondly, obvious difference is observed in the softwood cutting with different concentration of hormone treatment, and the rooting rate is the highest with mixed concentration of 500 mg·L^-1 by IBA + NAA, (volume ratio 1 : 2) , with an average of 88.0% ; thirdly, the rooting rate of the softwood cutting is higher with substrate Ⅱ, substrate Ⅲ and substrate Ⅳ, with an average rooting rate of 85.0% ; fourthly, the rooting rate of accelerating germination cutting-twig is the highest in the green house, with an average of over 92.0% , the average rooting rates of basal cutting-twig of seed tree,top cutting-twig of seed tree and top cutting-twig of two years seed tree are all very low.



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