云冷杉过伐林垂直结构特征分析 被引量:18
Analysis of Vertical Structure Characteristics for Spruce-Fir Over-cutting Forest
英文题名:Analysis of Vertical Structure Characteristics for Spruce-Fir Over-cutting Forest
作者:陈科屹[1] 张会儒[1] 雷相东[1] 娄明华[2] 卢军[1]
外文期刊名:Forest Research
外文关键词:spruce-fir stands ; over-cutting forest ; vertical structure; quantitative analysis ; synthetic characteristics
[ Objective] To further understand the status and development tendency of spruce-fir over-cutting forest more by quantitative analysis of the vertical structure characteristics for spruce-fir over-cutting forest in Jin' gouling Forest Farm of Jilin Province. [ Method] Based on the 12 Spruce-fir over-cutting forest sample plots with area of 1 hm2, the stands were divided into upper, middle and lower layers according to the canopy competition height (CCH) in stand. Each layer was used to analyze the distribution of diameter at breast height (DBH) , the species composition, the segregation, the competition and the distribution pattern by the investigation data. [ Result ] ( 1 ) The effect of the CCH method is reasonable. The CCH, the mean DBH and the volume showed extremely sig- nificant difference at 0.01 levels. (2) The diameter distribution shifted from the reverse " J" shape distribution to left-skewed unimodal distribution with the increase of the height of storey. The difference of peaks between upperand middle layer was great. (3) The difference of tree species composition in each layer was little, but the propor- tion of volume of the coniferous species in the lower layer was on the low side. (4) The upper layer was more likely to be higher on the mingling, and the variation tendency of mingling was different with the increase of the forest sto- rey for different tree species. (5) The average competition pressure of the forest storey decreased gradually with the increase of the forest storey, and the variation tendency of the competition pressures of the tree species with the changes of forest stories was basically consistent with the overall average change trend. But in different forest sto- reys, the species with different growth habits had different competitiveness. (6) Most of the forest storey followed the aggregative and randomly distribution, the upper layer was more likely to occur in a random distribution, and the lower layer was more likely to occur in an aggregation distribution. [ Conclusion I Based on the comprehensive anal- ysis, it is find that the stand is still in the progress of restoration succession. By this method it is enable for us to more comprehensively understand and describe the status and future development direction of the over-cutting forest structure, which can provide a reference for the sustainable management of over-cutting forest in Changbaishan Mountain area of China.