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母树年龄、生长调节剂、容器与基质对崖柏嫩枝扦插的影响  ( EI收录)   被引量:3

Effects of the Mother Tree Age,Growth Regulator,Containers and Substrates on Softwood Cutting Propagation of Thuja sutchuenensis



英文题名:Effects of the Mother Tree Age,Growth Regulator,Containers and Substrates on Softwood Cutting Propagation of Thuja sutchuenensis

作者:秦爱丽[1] 简尊吉[1] 马凡强[1] 郭泉水[1] 郑祥坤[2]


通信作者:Guo, Quanshui







外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Thuja sutchuenensis;softwood cutting propagation;the age of mother tree;the growth regulator;containers;substrate;the rooting rate;the root development


摘要:【目的】研究崖柏母树年龄、生长调节剂、扦插容器、扦插基质等对插穗生根率、不定根数量、根长及根系干质量的影响,探讨影响嫩枝扦插的内在因子和外在环境条件,为崖柏嫩枝扦插繁殖及引种驯化提供参考。【方法】按照正交表L9(34)进行正交试验设计。崖柏嫩枝扦插后70天,调查不同处理及水平下的插穗生根率;扦插后260天,增加对不定根数量、根长及根系干质量的调查,并对其进行统计分析。【结果】母树年龄对插穗生根率和根系发育影响较大。母树年龄越小,插穗的生根率越高。一级不定根数量、一级不定根最长根长和根系干质量的变化与生根率随母树年龄变化的规律基本一致;生长调节剂(IBA)对插穗生根率与根系发育也有较大影响。插后70天的插穗生根率及插后260天的一级不定根数量、一级不定根最长根长和根系干质量均是以IBA(2 000 mg·L-1)速蘸2 min处理的最优;扦插容器类型对插穗生根率的影响不显著,但对一级不定根最长根长影响极显著。优劣次序为:黑色软塑料营养杯>无纺布育苗袋>白色硬塑料营养杯;基质类型对插穗生根率的影响随着扦插后时间的延长逐渐增大,对扦插后70天的插穗生根率影响不显著,对扦插后260天的插穗生根率影响极显著。用草炭土、珍珠岩、蛭石配制的混合基质优于纯草炭土;不同基质对一级不定根最长根长和根系干质量影响显著。【结论】崖柏嫩枝插穗生根率及生根后根系各种指标,不仅受到母树年龄、生长调节剂、扦插容器、扦插基质等因子的单独影响,而且还受各因子的综合作用。随着生根发育阶段的变化,对插穗生根率和根系发育起重要作用的因子也在不断发生变化。对崖柏嫩枝插穗生根率的最佳处理组合为:从3年生母树上采集插穗、用GGR6速蘸处理、无纺布育苗袋、草炭土:珍珠岩:蛭石(1∶2∶1)。对根系发育的最佳处理组合为:从3年生母树上采集插穗、用IBA速蘸处理、黑色软塑料营养杯、草炭土:珍珠岩:蛭石(1∶1∶1),生根率达95%,从根系发育和生根率两方面考虑,该处理组合在崖柏嫩枝扦插实践中具有较高的应用价值。
【Objective】A orthogonal experiment on softwood propagation of Thuja sutchuenensis. was carried out to study the effects of different mother tree age,growth regulator,containers and substrates on the rooting rate and the root development indicators such as the number of adventitious roots,length of longest primary adventitious root,root dry mass. The internal and external environmental factors affecting softwood cutting propagation were investigated to provide theoretical and practical basis for the softwood propagation,introduction and domestication of T. sutchuenensis. 【Method】An orthogonal experiment design of four factors and three levels(L9(34)) was applied to study the softwood cutting propagation of T. sutchuenensis in the greenhouse of Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing. The rooting rate of cuttings with different treatments was investigated in 70 and 260 days after cutting. The number of adventitious roots,length oflongest primary adventitious root and root dry mass per cutting were measured in 260 days after cutting. The statistical analyses of these indicators were conducted. 【Result】Results indicated that: the age of mother tree had a great impact on the rooting rate and the root development of cuttings. The younger the mother tree,the higher the rooting rate of cuttings.Also,the younger the mother tree,the better the root development. The growth regulator(IBA) had a great impact on the rooting rate and the root development of cuttings. The rooting rate after cutting 70 days and the number of adventitious roots,length of longest primary adventitious root and root dry mass in 260 days after cutting were optimized by IBA(2 000 mg·L-1) dipping in 2 minutes. The containers had little influence on the rooting rate,but it had a significant effect on the length of the longest adventitious root. The order of the merits of various containers was: black soft plastic nutrient cup non-woven fabric nursery bag white hard plastic nutrition cup. The effect of substrates on rooting rate varied with cultural time. The substrates had no significant influence on the rooting rate of cuttings after 70 days,but had a significant influence on the rooting rate of cuttings after 260 days. The mixed substrate with peat,perlite and vermiculite was better than that of the pure peat soil. The substrates had significant effect on the length of the longest primary adventitious root and root dry weight. 【Conclusion】The rooting rate and the root development of T. sutchuenensis were not only influenced by individual factors,such as age,growth regulator,cutting container,cutting matrix,but also affected by but also affected by a comprehensive effect of those factors. With the change of root developmental stage,the dominant factors that affect the rooting rate and the root development indicators changed constantly. The best treatment for rooting rate of T.sutchuenensis softwood cutting propagation was: the cuttings from 3-year-old mother tree,the cutting by fast dipping treatment with GGR6,and the containers of non-woven fabric and the mixed substrate with peat,perlite and vermiculite(V∶ V∶ V = 1∶ 2∶ 1). The best treatment conditions for the root development were: the cuttings from 3-year-old mother tree,the cutting by fast dipping treatment with IBA,and containers of Black soft plastic and the mixed substrate with peat,perlite and vermiculite(V∶ V∶ V = 1∶ 1∶ 1),with which the rooting rate was as high as 95%. Therefore,considering the two aspects of rooting rate and root development,this combination would have great application value in softwood propagation of T. sutchuenensis.



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