北京市五环内主要公园冷岛效应及其主要影响因素 被引量:21
Cool island effect of urban parks and its influencing factors within the Fifth Ring in Beijing
英文题名:Cool island effect of urban parks and its influencing factors within the Fifth Ring in Beijing
作者:仇宽彪[1,2,3,4] 贾宝全[2,3,4] 成军锋[5]
外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Ecology
外文关键词:parks ; urban heat island effect ; cooling island ; land use ; Beijing.
摘要:本文利用2013年Landsat 8数据以及土地利用数据,采用缓冲区分析法和逐步回归法,对北京市市区范围内主要公园绿地的地表温度及其园内、园外一定范围内的影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:北京市市区范围内主要公园的园内地表温度28.91℃,低于北京市五环内平均地表温度30.67℃;北京城区西北部和东部地区公园地表温度较低,而南部和西南部公园地表温度则较高;公园地表温度与水体面积比重呈负相关,与不透水面积比重呈幂指数关系,而与植被面积比重无显著关系;外围缓冲区的景观特征中,不透水地表面积比重、水体斑块密度和不透水地表斑块密度对园内地表温度有显著影响,其中,不透水地表面积比重的影响主要在公园外300 m范围内;水体斑块密度的影响范围则可达800 m,在500 m范围内水体斑块密度对公园内地表温度有显著影响(P<0.05),而在200 m范围内表现得尤其明显(P<0.01);而植被特征则对公园内地表温度没有显著影响(P>0.05)。根据逐步回归结果,公园外200、300与400 m范围内的景观组成均对公园内地表温度有显著影响,其中公园外部300 m范围内的景观组成对公园内部地表温度的影响最为显著。
Parks play a vital part in mitigating the urban heat island. However, the cooling effect of parks and its relationship with the landscape composition have not been well studied so far. In this work, we retrieved the surface temperature in the parks and conducted the analysis of the relationship between the surface temperature and the landscape composition both inside and outside the parks, via buffer zone analysis method and regression method, using the land use data and Landsat 8 image data in 2013. Results showed that the surface temperature in the parks was 28.91 ℃, while the surface temperature within the Fifth Ring was 30.67 ℃. The parks in the northwestern and eastern parts had much lower surface temperature than those in the southern and southwestern parts. A negative relationship was found between the surface temperature and the percentage of water bodies in the parks, while a power relationship was found between the surface temperature and the percentage of impervious surface, in the parks. Among the landscape characteristics outside the parks, the percentage of the impervious surface, the patch density of both water bodies and impervious surface exerted great influences on the surface temperature inside parks. The percentage of the impervious surface had an influencing scope of 300 m, while the patch density of water bodies approximately 800 m, the significant (P〈0.05) and extremely significant (P〈0.01) scope were 500 m and 200 m. The results of stepwise regression showed that the landscape characteristics in the outer scope with a width of 200-400 m controlled the surface temperature in the parks, and the landscape composition within a width of 300 m exerted greater influences on the surface temperature in the parks. These findings can be applied into the park design and urban planning.