北方沙化土地退耕还林工程区域生态系统服务功能研究 被引量:5
Ecosystem Services for Returning Farmland to Forest Project in Northern Desertification Areas
英文题名:Ecosystem Services for Returning Farmland to Forest Project in Northern Desertification Areas
作者:魏文俊[1,2] 王兵[1,3] 牛香[1,3] 宋庆丰[1,3]
外文期刊名:Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University
外文关键词:northern area; land desertification; returning farmland to forest project; ecosystem services
摘要:我国是世界上受沙化危害最严重的国家之一,北方地区土地沙化尤为严重,该区自然生态环境极为脆弱,量化该区植被恢复的生态环境影响具有极为重要的意义。以该区内退耕还林工程为研究对象,基于退耕还林工程生态效益专项监测站和中国森林生态系统定位研究网络所属森林生态站等的数据资源,参照中华人民共和国林业行业标准《退耕还林工程生态效益监测与评估规范》(LY/T 2573-2016),应用分布式测算方法评估了北方沙化土地退耕还林工程的生态系统服务功能。研究得到北方沙化土地退耕还林工程生态效益总价值量为1263.07×108元·a-1,其中森林防护(34.86%)和净化大气环境功能(29.92%)的相对比例较高。区内退耕还林工程生态系统服务功能空间异质性强,内蒙古自治区、新疆生产建设兵团和河北省的生态系统服务功能各分项物质量均较高;不同生态功能区退耕还林工程生态系统服务功能均呈现明显的差异,其中风蚀主导型生态功能区退耕还林工程发挥的森林生态系统服务功能最强,且各生态功能区生态系统服务的主导功能亦具有显著差异;灌木林生态系统服务功能各分项物质量最大,生态林次之,经济林最小。退耕还林工程的实施改善了北方土地沙化等生态问题,尤其是为我国西北地区沙化严重的省份构筑起了生态安全屏障,促进实现"生态、民生和经济"平衡驱动模式,推动生态文明建设和经济社会可持续发展。
China is one of the most serious countries in the world affected by desertification hazard,particularly severe in north China.The natural ecological environment is very fragile,thus quantitative vegetation restoration in this area has very important significance.This study taking the project of returning farmland to forest in the district as the research object,data resources from the project of Returning Farmland to Forest Ecological Benefits Special Monitoring Stations and Chinese Forest Ecological Stations of Chinese Forest Ecosystem Research Network were used.On the basis of"Specifications for Monitor and Assessment of Ecological Benefits for Returning Farmland to Forest Project in China"(LY/T2573-2016).Distributed calculation method was applied to evaluate the ecosystem services of returning farmland to forest project in the northern desertification and serious desertification areas.The results showed that the total value of ecosystem services of returning farmland to forest project in the northern desertification areas was126.307billion Yuan annually.The forest protection(34.86%)and atmospheric environment purification(29.92%)were the highest in both northern desertification and serious desertification areas.Spatial heterogeneity of ecosystem services of returning farmland to forest project was high,and the ecosystem services of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and Hebei Province were high.The ecosystem services of returning farmland to forest project in different ecological areas showed significant differences,highest in the wind erosion dominant ecological area.The dominant ecosystem services in different ecological zones were also significantly different,highest in ecosystem services for shrub,followed by ecological forests,and lowest in economic forests.Therefore,implementation of returning farmland to forest project has improved the desertification in northern desertification areas;it has built an ecological security barrier for provinces with serious land desertification in the northwest China.It has played an important role in improving farmland ecological environment,increased food production,improved agricultural income,therefore promoting the realization of"ecology,economy and people's livelihood"balance mode,and giving impetus to sustainable development and economic and social development of ecological civilization.