马尾松年轮稳定碳同位素比率(δ13C)变化特征及影响因子分析 被引量:2
Analyses on variation characteristics and influence factors of ring stable carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) of Pinus massoniana
英文题名:Analyses on variation characteristics and influence factors of ring stable carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) of Pinus massoniana
作者:张振[1] 金国庆[1] 丰忠平[2] 孙林山[3] 周志春[1]
外文期刊名:Journal of Plant Resources and Environment
外文关键词:Pinus massoniana Lamb.;ring;stable carbon isotope ratio;provenance;correlation analysis
摘要:以浙江省淳安县姥山林场(S1)和湖北省太子山林场管理局石龙林场(S2)2个试验点内10个相同种源的马尾松(Pinus massoniana Lamb.)植株为研究对象,对其长期生长过程中年轮宽度、早材宽度、晚材宽度和年轮稳定碳同位素比率(δ^13C)的变化以及年轮δ^13C值的种源间差异进行了比较,并对年轮δ^13C值的影响因子进行了分析。结果表明:随着年轮增长,2个试验点马尾松的年轮宽度总体上先降低后略升高;S1试验点的早材和晚材宽度均先降低后略升高,而S2试验点的早材和晚材宽度则缓慢降低;2个试验点马尾松的年轮δ^13C值呈“升高—降低—升高—降低”的趋势。S1和S2试验点各年轮段δ^13C值的均值分别为-26.48‰^-25.19‰和-25.71‰^-25.05‰,且S2试验点各年轮段δ^13C值的均值高于S1试验点。方差分析结果表明:马尾松各年轮段δ^13C值的均值在种源间差异极显著(P<0.01);总体上看,高纬度地区种源各年轮段的δ^13C值依次高于中纬度和低纬度地区种源。相关性分析结果表明:2个试验点马尾松年轮δ^13C值与种源地的纬度和干燥度指数呈显著(P<0.05)正相关,与种源地的年均温、年降水量、5月至9月降水量和≥10℃年积温以及种源地和试验点间纬度差值呈显著负相关,与年轮宽度和早材宽度呈显著或极显著负相关,与晚材宽度呈不显著负相关。研究结果显示:马尾松年轮δ^13C值在种源间变异丰富,这是其对种源地环境长期适应的结果;立地环境和径向生长对马尾松固碳过程中碳同位素的分馏有一定影响。
Taking plants of Pinus massoniana Lamb.from ten identical provenances in two test sites of Laoshan Forest Farm in Chun an County of Zhejiang Province(S1)and Shilong Forest Farm in Taizishan Forest Farm Administration of Hubei Province(S2)as research objects,the variations of ring width,early wood width,late wood width and ring stable carbon isotope ratio(δ^13C)value during its long-term growth process and the differences in ringδ^13C value among provenances were compared,and the factors affecting ringδ^13C value were analyzed.The results show that with the increase of ring,ring width of P.massoniana in two test sites firstly decreases and then increases slightly in general;early and late wood widths in S1 test site both firstly decrease and then increase slightly,while those in S2 test site decrease slowly;ringδ^13C value of P.massoniana in two test sites shows a tendency of“increase-decrease-increase-decrease”.The means ofδ^13C value of different ring segments in S1 and S2 test sites are-26.48‰--25.19‰and-25.71‰--25.05‰,respectively,and the mean ofδ^13C value of different ring segments in S2 test site is higher than that in S1 test site.The variance analysis result shows that there are extremely significant(P<0.01)differences in means ofδ^13C value of different ring segments of P.massoniana among provenances;overall,δ^13C value of different ring segments from provenances in high latitude area is successively higher than that from provenances in middle and low latitude areas.The correlation analysis result shows that ringδ^13C value of P.massoniana in two test sites shows significant(P<0.05)positive correlations with latitude and aridity index of provenance locality,significant negative correlations with annual mean temperature,annual precipitation,precipitation from May to September and≥10℃annual accumulated temperature and latitude difference between provenance locality and test site,significant or extremely significant negative correlations with ring width and early wood width,and unsignificant negative correlation with late wood width.It is suggested that the variation of ringδ^13C value of P.massoniana among different provenances is rich,which is a result of long-term adaption to environment of provenance locality.Site environment and radial growth both have some effects on fractionation of carbon isotope during nitrogen fixation process of P.massoniana.