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次生林和人工林根系生物量、形态特征、养分及其与土壤养分关系     被引量:8

Relationships between Soil Nutrients and Root Biomass, Morphological Traits and Nutrients for Secondary Forests and Plantations



英文题名:Relationships between Soil Nutrients and Root Biomass, Morphological Traits and Nutrients for Secondary Forests and Plantations

作者:李非凡[1] 裴男才[1] 施招婉[1] 罗水兴[1] 唐艺家[1] 刘晓天[1] 陈忠洋[1] 孙冰[1]








外文期刊名:Ecology and Environmental Sciences





外文关键词:biomass;root morphological;Castanopsis hystrix;Michelia chapensis;soil nutrients


摘要:通过珍贵树种人工林和次生林根系形态特征及生物量研究,揭示根系在养分循环与地力维持中的作用机制,为当地的人工林经营和次生林的保护提供科学指导意见。以广东省乐昌市龙山林场60年生次生林,16年生红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)和乐昌含笑(Michelia chapensis)人工纯林为研究对象,根系采用土钻野外取样和根系扫描仪室内分析相结合的方法。结果表明:(1)3种林分的根系生物量差异显著(P<0.05),红锥林根系生物量最高(108.05±33.67)g·m?2其次为次生林(76.55±36.38)g·m?2),乐昌含笑林最低(73.31±57.70)g·m?2;(2)比表面积、根组织密度、根面积密度在3种林分中无显著性差异(P>0.05),而根系平均直径、比根长、根长密度在3种林分中有显著性差异(P<0.05),且乐昌含笑林根组织密度最低;3种林分不同直径范围根系的根长、表面积、体积占总体百分比,表现一致的变化趋势;(3)红锥林和乐昌含笑林的根系C与根系比根长和比表面积显著正相关,而次生林无相关性;(4)次生林土壤P与根长密度和根面积密度显著负相关,而红锥林呈显著正相关;红锥林土壤C、N与根系K显著负相关,而土壤K与根系K显著正相关。因此,在该研究地可以选择乐昌含笑乡土树种作为造林树种,并适当的增施K、C、P肥有助于提高林木生产。
By means of investigating the root morphological traits and biomass in plantations and secondary forests (SF), this study was aimed to reveal the mechanism of root in nutrient cycling and soil fertility maintenance, and to provide scientific guidance for local plantation management and secondary forest protection. The SF of 60 years, Castanopsis hystrix plantation (CHP) and Michelia chapensis plantation (MCP) of 16 years are all in Lechang City, Guangdong Province and were used in this research. The root system was combined with sampling in the field and indoor analysis by root scanner. The results showed that: (1) The root biomass from the above three stands was significantly different (P<0.05);and was the highest in CHP (108.05±33.67) g m 2, followed in the SF (76.55±36.38) g m 2, the lowest in MCP (73.31±57.70) g m 2;(2) The specific surface area (SSA), root tissue density (RTD) and root area density (RAD) in the three stand types were not significantly different (P>0.05), while root mean diameter, specific root length (SRL) and root length density (RLD) have a significant difference (P<0.05). And root tissue density was lower in MCP than in SF and in CHP. The length, surface area and volume as a percentage of total in different root diameter ranges showed the same trend in the overall stand types;(3) The C concentrations of root had significantly positive correlation with the specific root length and specific surface area in CHP and MCP, however, which had no correlation in SF. And (4) the P concentrations of soil had significantly negative correlation with root length density and root area density in the SF, while, had significantly positive correlation in CHP;the C, N concentrations of soil were significantly negative correlated with the K concentrations of root, and the K concentrations of soil were positive correlated with the K of root in CHP. Above all, Michelia chapensis can be native tree species and used for afforestation in Lechang city. Moreover, the appropriate application of C, P, and K fertilizers will contribute to forest growth.



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