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皂荚南方天然群体种实表型多样性     被引量:59

Phenotypic diversity of pods and seeds in natural populations of Gleditsia sinensis in southern China



英文题名:Phenotypic diversity of pods and seeds in natural populations of Gleditsia sinensis in southern China

作者:李伟[1] 林富荣[1] 郑勇奇[1] 李斌[1]







外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology





外文关键词:Gleditsia sinensis, natural population, phenotypic diversities, pods and seed characteristics


摘要:以系统揭示表型变异程度和变异规律为目的,对皂荚(Gleditsia sinensis)南方分布区的10个天然群体的11个种实性状进行了比较分析。采用方差分析、多重比较、相关分析等多种分析方法,对群体间和群体内的表型多样性以及与地理、环境因子的相关性进行了讨论。方差分析结果表明;皂荚果实、种子等性状在群体间和群体内存在丰富的变异,11个性状在群体间、群体内均达显著差异;荚果性状在群体间和群体内的变异均大于种子性状,11个性状的平均表型分化系数为20.42%,群体内的变异(32.28%)大于群体间的变异(7.19%),群体内的变异是皂荚的主要变异来源;皂荚各性状平均变异系数为11.20%,变异幅度为4.55%–18.38%。群体间荚果的变异(14.75%)高于群体间种子变异(6.95%),表明种子变异稳定性高。荚果和种子各性状之间多呈极显著或显著正相关,表现为荚果越大,则种子越大,种子的千粒重也越大;荚果表现为同地理经度的南北变异,种子则表现为同地理纬度的东西变异。研究结果为进一步开展皂荚遗传育种、保护生物学研究和皂荚种质资源利用奠定了基础。
Aims Gleditsia sinensis is an endangered plant endemic to China. Our objectives were to determine 1) the phe- notypic variation of pods and seeds in natural populations and 2) the relationship between phenotypic variation of natural population and different distribution areas in G. sinensis. Methods Field investigation and analysis of the natural distribution of G. sinensis in southern China led to our selection of six pod characters and five seed traits from 10 populations. We examined morphological diversity among and within populations based on analysis of eleven phenotypic traits. Variance analysis, multi-comparison and correlation analysis were used to analyze experimental results. Important findings Analysis of variance for all traits showed significant differences among and within popula- tions. There was significant positive correlation between the pod, the seed and seed weight. The variation of pod traits within and among the populations was larger than those of seed traits. The mean phenotypic differentiation coefficient for the eleven traits was 20.42%, and the variation within populations (32.28%) was higher than that among populations (7.19%), which indicated that the variance within population was the main part of the pheno- typic variation of the species. The range of variation of coefficient of variance (CV) among 11 traits was 4.55%-18.38%, and the average was 11.20%. The CV of pod within populations (14.75%) was higher than seed (6.95%), which means that the seed has higher stability. Most of the pod and seed traits were positively correlated. Both the seed and the pod were shown to have west-east variation at constant latitude. These findings offer basic data for further study of genetic breeding and conservation biology of this species.



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