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南亚热带格木、马尾松幼龄人工纯林及其混交林生态系统碳氮储量     被引量:40

Carbon and nitrogen storage in monoculture and mixed young plantation stands of Erythrophleum fordii and Pinus massoniana in subtropical China



英文题名:Carbon and nitrogen storage in monoculture and mixed young plantation stands of Erythrophleum fordii and Pinus massoniana in subtropical China

作者:罗达[1] 史作民[1] 王卫霞[1] 刘世荣[1] 卢立华[2,3] 明安刚[2,3] 于浩龙[2,3]








外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica





外文关键词:carbon and nitrogen storage; young forest; nitrogen-fixing tree species; plantation management;subtropical China


摘要:研究比较了南亚热带6年生格木(Erythrophleum fordii)、马尾松(Pinus massoniana)幼龄人工纯林及马尾松与格木混交林生态系统碳氮储量及其分配特征。结果表明,生态系统总碳储量依次为马尾松-格木混交林(137.75 t/hm2)>格木纯林(134.07 t/hm2)>马尾松纯林(131.10 t/hm2),总氮储量则为格木纯林(10.19 t/hm2)>马尾松-格木混交林(8.68 t/hm2)>马尾松纯林(7.01 t/hm2)。3种人工林生态系统碳氮库空间分布基本一致,绝大部分储存于0—100 cm土壤层,平均占生态系统总储量的81.49%和96.91%,其次为乔木层(分别占17.52%和2.69%),林下植被和凋落物层所占比例最小。林地土壤碳主要集中于表土层,其中0—30 cm土层平均碳储量为52.52 t/hm2,占土壤总碳储量(0—100 cm)的47.99%,土壤氮的分布则无明显规律。相比于纯林,与固氮树种混交的营林方式表现出更大的碳储存能力。3种幼龄人工林生态系统较低的地上与地下部分碳氮分配比,表明其仍具有较强的碳氮固持潜力。
Carbon sequestration in forest ecosystems is recognized as a key mechanism for mitigating the accumulation of atmospheric carbon dioxide. However, both forest carbon pools and sequestration vary according to tree species, age of the stand, soil types, climate, environmental disturbances, and management practices. Tree species composition and management practices are important tools for increasing carbon storage in forest ecosystems. Plantation is becoming a key component of the world's forest resources and is playing an important role in sustainable forest management. Well-designed, multi-purpose plantations can reduce the pressure on natural forests and complement some ecological resources provided by natural forests in addition to mitigating climate change through important measures for managing commercial forests in direct carbon sequestration. Afforestation and reforestation are subtropical China. However, the large-scale development of monocuhure plantations of coniferous species ( e.g., Pinus massoniana and Cunninghamia lanceolata) and exotic species ( Eucalyptus spp.) has caused a number of problems, such as the loss of biodiversity, degradation of soil fertility, reduction of ecosystem stability, and loss of ecological resources. Thus, some broad-leaved tree species with different functions (e.g., indigenous valuable broad-leaved species and nitrogen-fixing species) have been developed for restructuring the plantations. In this study, three young plantation stands (monocuhure of Etythrophleum fordii, monoculture of P. massoniana and a mixed stand of the two species) were selected to study carbon and nitrogen storage in these ecosystems and their spatial distribution. The results showed that the total carbon storage of the mixed plantation stand was 137.75 t/hm:, higher than that of monocuhure stands of E. fordii ( 134.07 t/hm2 ) and P. massoniana ( 131.10 t/hm2 ). Nitrogen storage was highest in E. fordii (10.19 t/hm2) , followed by the mixed plantation (8.68 t/hm2), and then P. mussoniana stands (7.01 t/hm:). The spatial distribution of carbon and nitrogen was identical in the three plantation stands, with the majority found in the 0--100 cm soil (occupying an average 81.49% and 96.91% of the total storage, respectively), followed by the above- ground biomass represented by the trees (17.52% and 2.69%, respectively), and the understory vegetation and litteffall. Soil organic carbon was mainly distributed in the top-soil, while soil nitrogen was irregularly distributed. Average organic carbon storage in 0--30 cm soil was 52.52 t/hm2(47.99% of the total 0--100 cm soil storage). The mixed plantation stands showed a greater capacity for carbon storage in comparison to the other two monocuhure stands. The above-/underground ratio of carbon and nitrogen suggested that these three young plantation stands had a high potential for carbon and nitrogen sequestration. The results are significant in that they provide scientific references for tree species selection and plantation management to enhance productivity and carbon sequestration in subtropical China.



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