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夏枯草多糖和黄酮含量与主要环境因子的相关性及优质种源筛选     被引量:5

Correlations of polysaccharide and flavonoid contents in Prunella vulgaris L.with main environmental factors and high-quality provenance screen



英文题名:Correlations of polysaccharide and flavonoid contents in Prunella vulgaris L.with main environmental factors and high-quality provenance screen

作者:周新华[1,2] 李军绍[2] 文昌午[2] 吴喜昌[2] 阳武[2] 曾平生[1] 武晓玉[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of South China Agricultural University





外文关键词:Prunella vulgaris L.;polysaccharide;flavonoid;geographical provenance;cluster analysis;membership function


摘要:[目的]探明不同地理种源野生夏枯草Prunella vulgaris L.的品质差异,揭示影响夏枯草药用成分含量的主要环境因子,为合理开发和有效保护夏枯草种质资源提供理论支撑。[方法]以10个分布在全国不同地理区域的夏枯草地理种源为研究对象,比较分析不同地理种源夏枯草多糖和黄酮的含量差异,并利用Pearson相关分析研究多糖和黄酮含量与环境因子之间的关系,利用聚类分析和隶属函数评价法筛选高品质地理种源。[结果]不同地理种源夏枯草多糖和黄酮含量差异显著,多糖质量分数为70.45~120.39 mg·g^-1,黄酮质量分数为34.40~59.04 mg·g^-1,其中湖北宜昌种源多糖含量最高,广西桂林种源黄酮含量最高,质量分数分别达到120.39和59.04 mg·g^-1。夏枯草中的多糖含量与黄酮含量呈极显著负相关。影响夏枯草多糖含量的主要环境因子是经纬度和海拔,影响黄酮含量的主要环境因子是经度、海拔、年平均气温、年日照时长和年降水量。聚类分析将10个地理种源分为3类。广西桂林种源平均隶属函数值最大,综合品质最优。[结论]不同地理种源夏枯草药用成分含量差异显著,不同环境因子对主要药用成分影响程度不同,筛选出的品质较佳地理种源及不同地理种源排名可为夏枯草种质资源选育和开发利用提供依据。
[Objective] To explore the quality differences of wild Prunella vulgaris L. from different geographical provenances, reveal the main environmental factors that affect the medicinal ingredient contents of P. vulgaris, and provide a theoretical support for the rational development and effective protection of P. vulgaris germplasm resources.[Method] Taking ten geographical provenances of P. vulgaris distributed in different regions as the research object, the differences of polysaccharide and flavonoid contents were compared and analyzed, and the correlations of polysaccharide and flavonoid contents with environmental factors were studied by Pearson correlation analysis. The cluster analysis and membership function evaluation method were used to select high-quality geographical provenance.[Result] The polysaccharide and flavonoid contents of P. vulgaris from different geographical provenances were significantly different. The polysaccharide content ranged from 70.45 to 120.39 mg·g^-1, and the flavonoid content ranged from 34.40 to 59.04 mg·g^-1. The polysaccharide content of the provenance in Yichang of Hubei and the flavonoid content of the provenance in Guilin of Guangxi were the highest, with the content reaching 120.39 and 59.04 mg·g^-1, respectively. The polysaccharide content in P. vulgaris showed a highly significant negative correlation with the flavonoid content. The main environmental factors affecting the polysaccharide content of P. vulgaris were latitude, longitude and altitude;And the main environmental factors affecting the flavonoid content were longitude, altitude, annual average air temperature, annual sunshine hour and annual precipitation. The clustering results divided the ten geographical provenances into three categories. The provenance in Guilin of Guangxi had the largest average membership function value and the best comprehensive quality among all the provenances.[Conclusion] There were significant differences in the contents of medicinal ingredients in P. vulgaris from different geographical provenances. Different environmental factors have inconsistent effects on the major medicinal ingredients. The better-quality geographical provenances and ranking of different geographical provenances can provide a basis for the selection, development and utilization of P. vulgaris germplasm resources.



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