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不同林龄樟子松人工林径向生长对气候及地下水位变化的响应     被引量:6

Radial growth responses of Mongolian pine(pinus sylvestris var.mongolica)plantations at different ages to climate and groundwater level changes



英文题名:Radial growth responses of Mongolian pine(pinus sylvestris var.mongolica)plantations at different ages to climate and groundwater level changes

作者:张晓[1,2] 吴梦婉[3] SeMyung Kwon[4] 潘磊磊[4] 韩辉[5] 杨晓晖[1,2] 刘艳书[1,2] 时忠杰[1,2]


机构:[1]中国林业科学研究院荒漠化研究所,北京100091;[2]中国林业科学研究院生态保护与修复研究所,北京100093;[3]北京林业大学水土保持学院,北京100083;[4]Institute of Ecological Restoration,Kongju National University,Chungcheongnam-do 324395;[5]辽宁省沙地治理与利用研究所,阜新123000






外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica





外文关键词:pinus sylvestris var.mongolica;tree ring;climate factor;underground level;resilience


Global climate change has caused changes in the structure and function of forest ecosystems,and even tree mortality and forest decline.Studying the response of forest growth to climate change,especially to extremely drought events,will help predict the stability of the ecosystem under future climate change.In this study,five Mongolian pine(pinus sylvestris var.mongolica)plantations of different ages were selected in Zhanggutai town,Liaoning Province.We analyzed the response of radial growth of trees to climate factors and groundwater level dynamics.The results showed that the autumn temperature,especially the minimum temperature,significantly affected the growth of Mongolian pine forests(except the 44-year-old stand);The growth of Mongolian pine forest with lower ages(i.e.,36 and 39 years)was significantly positively correlated with the precipitation in current summer or growing season,while that with greater ages(i.e.,52 years)was significantly positively correlated to the precipitation in current spring,especially in current February and current May;The chronologies of 36,39 and 52 year-old Mongolian pine forests were significantly positively correlated to Palmer Drought Severity Index(PDSI)in current summer,while the chronologies of 44 and 58 year-old stands were significantly negatively correlated to groundwater level.In response to the early drought event occurred in 1997,the growth resistance of Mongolian pine increased with increasing stand age,while the recovery decreased.In the subsequent two drought events,the resistance of Mongolian pine forests with greater age was no longer significantly higher than that with lower age.It might due to the obvious decrease in groundwater level,which affected root the water absorption.Affected by cumulative drought,the resilience of Mongolian pine plantations with five ages to the 2007—2008 drought event was less than 1,and the radial growth was significantly reduced.Groundwater level is an important factor affecting the growth and drought resistance of Mongolian pine plantations at different ages.Considering the effect of groundwater level can further improve the accuracy of research on forest ecosystem response to climate change.



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