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喀斯特区天然林不同演替阶段功能性状特征及其影响因素研究——以云南大黑山为例     被引量:6

A Study of Functional Traits of Natural Secondary Forests and Their Influencing Factors in Different Succession Stages in Karst Areas: A Case Study of Dahei Mountain, Yunnan Province



英文题名:A Study of Functional Traits of Natural Secondary Forests and Their Influencing Factors in Different Succession Stages in Karst Areas: A Case Study of Dahei Mountain, Yunnan Province

作者:李亚锦[1] 郑景明[1] 王根柱[2] 周金星[2] 刘玉国[3] 哈文秀[4]








外文期刊名:Acta Geoscientica Sinica





外文关键词:plant functional traits;karst;secondary succession;soil factor;ecological strategy;Dahei Mountain


The environmental conditions of the community are different at different succession stages.The changing environmental factors may drive the changes in plant functional traits at the community level and the ecological strategies of the species'adaptation.However,mechanism of these changes in secondary succession has been understudied so far.Based on natural secondary forests(3 years,6 years,20 years,and 40 years)at different recovery stages after abandoning farming and old growth forests in Dahei Mountain karst areas of Yunnan Province,this study combine the species characteristics and community structure of different community successional stages.We analyzed the changes in leaf and branch functional traits during the succession and the relationship between functional traits and environmental factors.The results are as follows:(1)As the succession progressed,soil nutrients(except phosphorus)and soil water content gradually increased,soil bulk density decreased first and then stabilized,meanwhile soil pH did not change significantly;specific leaf area gradually decreased,leaf dry matter content gradually increased,and the potential maximum height also gradually increased.The nitrogen content of leaves and branches decreased first followed by increase,the phosphorus content of leaves and branches decreased,and N:P generally increased during community recovery.(2)Redundant analysis shows that,in the early successional stage,plants were mainly distributed in soils with higher soil bulk density and lower water and nutrients content,and plant species often adopted open strategies with high nutrient content,high photosynthetic rate,and short life span.While in the late successional stage,plants was mainly distributed in more fertile soil with higher soil moisture and less sunlight,and shade-tolerant tree species gradually dominated the communities,and plant species usually adopted conservative strategies with low nutrient content,low photosynthetic rate,and long life span.Among all the environmental factors,soil water content,total nitrogen content,bulk density and organic matter seem to have been the key factors influencing the change of functional traits during the succession of karst plant communities.The study of the trend of functional traits of plant species and environmental factors during community succession and the problem as to how functional traits respond to environmental changes could provide references for guiding construction of artificial plant communities and preventing vegetation degradation in karst areas in the future.



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