青藏铁路南山口段沙害防治措施的效果 ( EI收录) 被引量:4
Effectiveness of Sand Control Measures in Nanshankou Area along Qinghai-Tibet Railway
英文题名:Effectiveness of Sand Control Measures in Nanshankou Area along Qinghai-Tibet Railway
作者:姜鑫贵[1,2] 周金星[2] 刘玉国[1] 董林水[3] 崔明[1]
通信作者:Cui, Ming
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:Qinghai-Tibet railway; sand control measures; sand accumulation; effectiveness of sand control; deposited-sand volume per unit width
摘要:【目的】青藏铁路沙害段约占铁路全长的22.5%,是铁路安全运营的主要威胁。本研究通过实地调查不同沙害防护措施下的积沙量,分析其防护效益及空间布局影响,为合理布设防沙措施、有效降低铁路沙害、保障铁路安全运营提供科学依据。【方法】选择已部分布设沙害防治措施的青藏铁路南山口段,根据不同区段沙障的组合方式,设置无防护措施的对照区和4个不同措施组合防护区(Ⅰ区:无防护措施区;Ⅱ区:低立式聚乙烯(PE)网格沙障防护区;Ⅲ区:高立式栅栏沙障与低立式PE网格沙障共同防护区;Ⅳ区:高立式栅栏沙障防护区;Ⅴ区:高立式栅栏沙障与高立式PE阻沙网防护区),通过测定积沙体断面要素和平均深度,计算不同防护措施组合的年均单宽阻沙量,用于评价不同措施或措施组合的阻沙效果及空间布局的影响。【结果】1)在无防护措施的对照区对应铁路轨道没有积沙现象,同时目前也没有观察到明显磨损,可见,南山口地区沙害程度较轻,在此处布设沙障必要性不大,积沙较多的沙障甚至还可能发展成为沙源地,将沙引向铁路路基;2)在4个不同措施组合防护区中,Ⅲ区沙障内年均单宽阻沙量最大,为1.125 m^3·m^(-1),由此可推断,南山口段的年均单宽风沙流至少为1.125 m^3·m^(-1);3)Ⅳ区沙障内年均单宽阻沙量为0.978 m^3·m^(-1),约为Ⅲ区的87%,说明单个高立式栅栏沙障的拦沙效果也很好;4)Ⅴ区沙障内年均单宽阻沙量为0.782 m^3·m^(-1),仅为Ⅲ区的70%,说明高立式PE阻沙网的布设不仅没增强Ⅴ区沙障内的拦沙量,反而降低了同区内栅栏沙障的拦沙效益,分析认为主要是由于PE阻沙网的布设间距过小。5)结合阻沙效果与建设成本,本研究认为南山口段PE网格沙障的最优宽度为13 m,另外,在南山口设置一道栅栏沙障便可达到很好的防沙效果,还能使建设成本降低。【结论】南山口地区设置的沙障中:PE网格沙障宽度过大造成材料的浪费,布设宽度应以13 m为宜;PE阻沙网布设间距过小,使得拦沙作用很弱,且降低了同区内高立式栅栏沙障的拦沙效益;单个栅栏沙障在防护区中表现出很强的阻沙作用。研究认为南山口地区的沙害程度较轻,设置沙障必要性不大,如果设置沙障,可只设置1道栅栏沙障,既能达到很好的防沙效果,又能使建设成本降低。研究结果可为铁路轻度沙害地段科学、合理的布设防护措施提供依据。
【Objective】Approximately 22. 5% of the total distance of the Qinghai-Tibet railway has been affected by sand damage,a major threat to the safe operation of the railway. In this study,we calculated the volume of sand deposition under each sand control measure through field investigation,and analyzed the influence of their spatial distribution on sand blocking capability,aiming to provide a scientific basis for deploying effective sand barriers to reduce the impact of sand damage to the railway and to guarantee the safety of railway operation. 【Method 】In this study,We focused on Nanshankou section of the Qinghai-Tibet railway,which was partially deployed with sand control measures.Four sand control measures and a control with no measures were established to compare their effectiveness. Area Ⅰ withno sand control measures was used as control,area Ⅱ was deployed with PE( polyethylene) checkerboard barriers( PCBs); area Ⅲ with sand fences( SFs) and PCBs; area Ⅳ with SFs; and area Ⅴ with sand blocking PE nets( SBPNs) and SFs. By measuring cross-section elements and depth of the sand deposition,the volume of sand deposition in different areas were calculated,respectively. The effectiveness of the sand control measures were evaluated using annual deposited-sand volume per unit width in different areas with different models of sand control measures as the main indicator,and the influence of their spatial distribution on sand blocking capability were analyzed. 【Result 】1) Our investigation showed that no sand accumulation on the railway track and no evidently visible abrasion of the rail in the area I,indicating that the degree of sand damage in Nanshankou section was mild and no need to have sand barriers.Inappropriate sand barriers may lead to extra sand accumulation and causing damage to the railway embankment. 2)Annual deposited-sand volume per unit width in the area Ⅲ was 1. 125 m-3·m-(-1),the highest among the 4 areas,indicating minimum average annual sand flux at Nanshankou area was 1. 125 m-3·m-(-1). 3) Annual deposited-sand volume per unit width in the area Ⅳ was 0. 978 m-3·m-(-1),accounting for approximately 87% of those in the area Ⅲ,indicating that SFs was an effective single sand control measure; 4) Annual deposited-sand volume per unit width in the area Ⅴ was 0. 782m-3·m-(-1),accounting for 70% of those in the area Ⅲ,indicating SBPNs did not enhance the amount of sand deposition,even weaken the effects of sand blocking of SFs,the main reason was that they were settled too close to each other and to the railway. 5) Considering the sand blocking effects and economic costs,our investigation showed that the optimum width of the PCBs in Nanshankou section was 13 m; and single measure of SFs could play an important role in the sand control of Nanshankou railway section,which cost less. 【Conclusion】The sand barriers in Nanshankou area: the large width of the PCBs resulted in a waste of material and the optimum width of the PCBs was 13 m; SBPNs did not enhance the amount of sand deposition,even weaken the effects of sand blocking of SFs,because they were settled too close to each other and to the railway; SFs was an effective single sand control measure in the study areas. Moreover,our investigation showed that the degree of sand damage of Nanshankou section was mild and no sand barrier was needed. If necessary,single measure of SFs can be used for sand control for Nanshankou section with a low cost. The result can provide a basis for scientific arrangement of mechanical sand barriers in mild sand damage railway sections.